01. Space City Affair →
02. See the Light→
03. Mayfly Disarray* →
04. Existential Funk
05. Puppetry →
06. Merge
07. Puppetry
Set 2
01. Wicked world →
02. Metropolis →
03. Wicked world
04. Episode 3
05. Wild Pack Of Asscracks
06. Superfly Phaddy Fat
07. Shakedown street
*with Star Wars IV: A new hope - Binary Sunset (Force Theme) tease
Organic Smiles Music Fest
Identifier breakfast2017-07-27.akg483
Lineage Vegas14 > cdwave >Flac 96hz/24bit
Location Middletown, CT
Source AKG483 (DIN) > Zoom H4n 96/24bit
Taped by matt
Transferred by matt
Type sound
Venue Wild Bills Nostalgia
Year 2017