Set I: Episode 1(Happy), Help On The Way/Slipknot! > Gladys Pimp And Kangaroos With Me > Fairy > Cut Me Some Slack*, Earache My Eye** > Spunk, May Fly Disarray
Set II: jam > Puppetry, Buquebus > Blues jam, Food For Thought^ > One Big Mob > Phaddy Boom Baddy, Funky Bill's Circus Cliche, You Enjoy Myself^^, Attraction To Shade Ditty
*with 'Mary Had A Little Lamb' and 'Camptown Races' teases
** with bass solo
^Thought 1: Silence - quiet or deafening??
Thought 2: Wherever you go, there you are
Thought3: Why is there brail on drive-up ATM machines??
Thought 4: 'Linda's Revenge', by Craig
^^with 'NBC' and 'Short'nin' Bread' teases; "Wash your face and drive me to New Haven"