] Vermont Song
02] Hard Luck Harry
03] Metropolis
04] Escher's Etchings (Parts 1 & 4)
05] Echidna's Arf *
06] Beef Barley *
07] The Grand Scheme of Things
Collection TheBreakfast
Band/Artist The Breakfast
Venue McLaughlin Vineyards
Location Sandy Hook, CT
Source AKG 414XLS/ST (Blumlein,fig.8s) >Oade T-Mod Tascam HDP2 (24/48) > CF
Lineage CF >Audacity >CD WAV Editor >FLAC
Taped by Mike Deary & Kyle Holbrook
Transferred by Mike Deary
Notes: * w/ Ed Mann. We were about 65-80 feet from the stage, centered in front of the soundboard. Stand was about 10' high