Band/Artist: Ryan Montbleau
Date: June 30, 2012 (check for other copies)
Venue: Rockinghill Music Festival
Location: Rockingham, VT
Source: source1: akg 482 (3' split) > V2 > R-44 > WAV (24/48k), source2: sbd > R-44 > WAV (24/48k)
Lineage: wav > Audacity > wav (44.1k) > xACT > flac8
Taped by: corey the groundhog (china_c_a_tATyahooDOTcom)
Transferred by: groundhog
Keywords: Tim Palmieri; Barnaby's; Rockinghill2012
one set (107:17)
01. Here et al
02. Dead Set
03. Honeymoon Eyes
04. Sweet, Nice 'N' High
05. Heartbreak Road
06. Fix Your Wings
07. Yeah Man
08. Walking on the Moon
09. I Can't Wait
10. Shuffling Paper * >
11. The Neutron Dance *
12. Songbird
13. Inspired By No One
14. encore intro
15. My Best Guess
16. You Crazy You
Recommended audio disc split between tracks 8/9.
* with Tim Palmieri on Guitar
http://ryanmontbleauband.comgroundhog 2012 shared recording # 119