Author Topic: Local Press Coverage  (Read 1842 times)


  • I fling poo
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Local Press Coverage
« on: March 26, 2004, 05:36:17 pm »
Anyone happen to see if there\'s been any mention to The Breakfast in the local press (i.e. New Haven Advocate, etc.) ??
They never seem get much coverage in the local publications especially the Advocate.  After winning the Jammy, a prestigeous award in the genre on a *national level*, the national tours, winning awards (Adrian\'s in Revloving Door), etc, etc, the local press owes a bit to the guys.  Those mofo\'s have been playin their asses off in New Haven since they were like 14!!!  Seems like (in the Advocate\'s case anyway) they\'d much rather write about cover bands, and bullshit artsy-fartsy \'lets-take-our-penises-out-and-talk-about-our-feelings\' music made by the future yuppies of America.  I think it would also be nice to see them do a concert on the East Haven green or the high school but that would never happen either mostly due to the preconcieved notions that ROCK MUSIC+YOUNG PEOPLE=TROUBLE.  Just wanted to get that out....later.