Im trying to say that there is so much bullshit tied in with 9/11 to think that killing Bin Laden serves us justice is a mockery. There are some serious indiscrepancies with what was reported that day, I really don\'t want to get started I need to go to bed.
You probably think the Holocaust never happened either.
I can speak first hand. I was in NYC on 9-11-01. I was in the Metlife building (near Grand Central) on a job interview, which is pretty far from the WTC, but I could see the smoke rising from downtown, and the panic in the streets. One of my best friends from school was in the WTC and died in the attack. It was real. I assure you. If you have any doubts go to Ground Zero. You might be too young to remember, but there used to be two giagantic buildings there.
Bin Laden claimed responsibilty. End of story. Killing him (he wouldn\'t be taken alive) is the first step toward justice.
That said, I think celebrating in the street is moronic. It doesn\'t bring anybody we lost back, and doesn\'t prevent future terrorists from striking again. One very dangerous threat has been eliminated. Good. Let\'s move on.
As for the airports these days- it\'s over kill. I don\'t think an airplane will ever be successfully hijacked again. Hijacking works on the principal that the hostages think they will live if they cooperate. Hijacked passengers now will already consider themselves dead and fight accordingly.