conspirator > breakfast > eoto = sickkkkk
That is amazingly sick! (If the RAQ and Spam Allstars sets were switched that night it would be RAQ>Conspirator>The Breakfast> THAT would be siiiiccckk...
but RAQ>The Breakfast>Toubab Crewe>Big Gigantic is also sickkkkk...
and Kyle Hollingsworth>Kung Fu>Particle is also sickkkkk (Tim plays that night from 1-4am)...
Total time Tim is scheduled to play: 6 hours, and that\'s if he doesn\'t end up sitting in with EOTO or Conspirator (I really hope either of those happen, it would be incredible exposure).
Anyways, this fest has the best lineup and schedule I\'ve ever seen. Hope some of you other .infoers end up there!