I know Western NY is far for most people on .info but for anyone on the fence give this show a listen:
This was from the last time they played Buffalo which Dave (DS#) put on. Sadly, I think I was the only one to make the drive out. The show heats up during the Rufus > Metropolis and doesn\'t let up the rest of the night. Though there is a setbreak in the middle, from Rufus through May Fly Disarray they play 6 songs for 2 hours. Doesn\'t look like there is an opener either and I\'m pretty sure the bars are open until 4am.
Sorry chip on the Reba, guy.
A couple things...first, my friends band from the UB jam club, Universe Shark is opening. Pretty good funky MMSW type band, def worth checking out.
Second, the fest Boozie speaks of which I threw at UB after I graduated was def in my top 3 shows of the breakfast. Immense playing the entire night. By far the best Ive ever heard Adrian play. Worth listening to the entire show, and Booze left out that the Wake up in a Coma is a top 5 version, and the Psygn is incredible too.
The "Sorry Chip on the Reba guy" Rufism was in response to a repeated request I made to the band before the show to let me sit in on drums for a Reba, which was rejected due to them having no idea that I could actually play it (which i can).
Buffalo shows are always special...also check out the Broadway Joe\'s show from 5/5/05
http://www.archive.org/details/breakfast2005-05-05.flac16My first Breakfast show and a perfect example of the fire the band unleashed in all of 2005.