Last evening was a lot of fun. The crowd has stabilized. Still a little cramped but breathable.
They sound like they are beginning to lock in on a whole new level. Have improved leaps and bounds since the first week that I attended. Beginning to find, define and refine their own unique sound.
Positive rumors are coming from the Kung Fu dojo. Like what I am hearing and so far they have met all the expectations I ever had.
Stoops is a mad man on keys. His stage presence is essential. Dave is a monster on bass and a lot of fun to watch.
Tim and Adrian, from the Breakfast, don\'t know anything about these two cats. Seemed like they were doing just fine.
Heard a Breakfast tune last evening. The name of the song escapes me right now.
More originals, which I hear are en route, and I am totally satisfied with where this heading.