really really really really wish i was coming up tonight. but i\'m not. going out for drinks w/ co-workers to bitch about the fact that we all learned today that we would have to reapply for our jobs and that 1 out of 4 people would end up being fired. great.
Ouch. Even though you\'ll probably be ok- start looking for other jobs. I met with the Bob\'s once myself and even though I came out ok, everything was completely fuct after that.
Cutting the work force in this economy is understandable, but to have to re-apply for your job? They should already know who\'s worth keeping and who isn\'t. It costs money just to go through this process and it\'s wasteful as hell. Here you\'ll be justifying your competance, where by the very fact you have to go through this shows upper management is completely incompetant. The people steering the ship are fucking lost. Nothing good can come of that.
BTW- Good luck.
BTW II- I\'l be there tonight.