.... your statement that Bfam is defunct is just not true man. Maybe a few less of your original friends from 2000-era still raging shows... but Breakfast Family is very much alive and (mostly) well! Just because you don\'t know \'em all by name anymore and their are some new faces starting to become regulars doesn\'t mean they aren\'t as much family as anyone! Just because somebody happens to discover the band later than some of us did.. or they are younger and just starting to embark on this musical journey doesn\'t make them any less Bfam to me. (like I probably never heard of the band until at least 4 years after you I\'d guess... but I rep Bfam with a passion!)
To me being "bfam" means raging as many shows as you can whenever reasonably possible, and generally just being damn passionate about the music. Doesn\'t hurt to know a few of the old schoolers and be able to occasionally part like a rock star as well I suppose... but not a requirement.
agreed. it\'s absolutely imperative that the band gain these new fans. keep spreading the positive energy, tuna!