There was def a short jam before the queeb.
I\'m thinking that if Adrian said that the show started with Buqeuebus, that should be pretty much the last word unless, Tim, Jordan or Chris have something to say to the contrary...
Shut the Fuck up yoda. I was gonna let it go, but you keep having to call me out. tell you what! go to a fucking show! ask tim, jordo, or chris if they jammed into queeb or not, and see if they care about backing you up. because i\'m thinking by the time you even get to show, their going to have played at least half a dozen other queebs that will make this one look like just another stepping stone in their progression for perfection. and next time spell buquebus right! Douche! and leith, can you ever produce an opinion that varies slightly from what yoda is saying.
Sorry everyone else i\'m not normally like this
No. Not if it creates this much angst in a newb like you.
I an def not a sucker, because I\'ve been to a dozen shows in the time it takes you to see one. and you ARE admitting that you have no opinion of your own. So you know what, fuck you too, douche! Someone, Please close this thread. Both of you, leith and yoda, please come to my party so i can kick you in the teeth.
You are a sucker. You\'re still bent and I fucking love it. You prove over and over what a fucking newb you are.
Fuck you if you can\'t take a joke.
Why don\'t you try and shut the fuck up. Your annoying posts probably do not hold a candle to how annoying you probably are in real life.
As for my opinions well you\'ve proven again how much of a fucking annoying newb you are. Take a gander at the top thread starters on .info. I think I have a few opinions of my own which you probably don\'t agree with at all because you are a straight fucking idiot.
I live in California. If i had the extra money I would fly out in a second just to drop kick your ass up and down while The Breakfast play Funky Bill\'s Circus Cliche\'. What? You don\'t know that song? Oh well. It will sound real nice as your ears are bouncing off the concrete.
You really want to start shit with me on .info?
Right the fuck on. Bring it but be prepared to have your ass handed to you every fucking day until you decide it\'s just better to go to shows instead of popping off on .info.