well prepared indeed.
cut me some slack was one of the tightest, hardest hitting version i\'ve ever seen. tunage was great. really nice jam to lead into it. synergy had it all. shit got pretty out of control towards the end, adrian was tearing his kit apart, and chris prompted my buddy tom to say, "he likes to drop bombs, huh?" well, it made sense at the time. thought i heard a bit of sundance during the jam into tunage, maybe i was wrong. sundance was straight to the point, just an excellent, well played version, and like synergy, it got pretty wild towards the end. that was actually the way they were all ending. every song seemed to have an incredibly hard, dramatic finish. it was only a four song set, which made it seem a bit short. fine with me.
second set was pretty wild.
the jam into mayfly was just as perfectly formed as the one into tunage. mayfly to me anyway, seemed to have that harder edge that every other song up to that point had. just crazy.
ep 3....
i wish there was a more appropriate term than epic, but there isn\'t in this case. tim was completely insane with his playing, you could tell that he was having such a blast. excellent solo by jordo as well. the very excited, enthusiastic, girl next to me looked like she was getting little shocks throughout the song by the twitchy look on her face, she looked like she was in heaven. i love to see shit like that.
metropolis just fuckin\' kills it every single time they play it, just pure fire. it really does get better and better, though the one at red square was the master of all, this one came damn close. when they come out of the jam and head towards the finish, there aren\'t many songs they play that are better.
3 song set? what?!!
gladys was how it should be everytime. totally crazy, hard, fast, chaotic, frenzied and all that shit. they pretty much did nothing but scream through the whole song while it built and built for a truly disgusting finish. well done.
show seemed a bit short, but it didn\'t matter, every song they played was hard-hitting and just exploded with energy. hope everyone had as good a time as the band appeared to be having. is there such a thing as taping over-kill?