I: jam > She\'s Only 18, Easily, Dani California*, Parallel Universe, Charlie, Funky Monks, Apache Rose Peacock > The Greeting Song, Bass Solo > Around The World, Nevermind > Subterranean Homesick Blues, My Friends, Tell Me Baby
II: Aeroplane**, Funny Face^, Purple Stain, My Lovely Man^^, jam# > Stone Cold Bush#, Soul To Squeeze#, Sir Psycho Sexy, Quixoticelixer^, Sikamikanico, Readymade, Fire, Give It Away##
* with \'Stairway To Heaven\' (Led Zeppelin) tease.
** with \'You Enjoy Myself\' (Phish) tease.
^ first time played.
^^ Chris Deangelis on bass.
# Joe Scialla on drums.
## with \'Nevermind\' jam.