No, it really was uncalled for. Matt is an incredible musician and probably the nicest/sincere person to have graced The Breakfast family. You may not have enjoyed his playing, but to attack his physical appearance is just plain ignorant.
good show.I deleted my prior comment because I don\'t want to upset the robots.
If you are public figure you are now public property.It may be ignorant but it is his right to say such things.I may not agree with what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it.
I don\'t think anyone is arguing his right to say what he said.Truth of the matter is, the guy is being a raging asshole.
I never said he (dannybiscuits) was ignorant. I said he was an asshole. Not for his appearance, but for his words.Also, I would never try to convince anyone that I was anything other than that.
i\'m loving all this eppy 3 love. justwatched the you tube vid from toads, made me really wanna hear a trio 2.0 version of awakening.
we taped!!!