live nation seriously is THEE worst. I am glad I didn\'t go the Blockbuster route (thanks again, Ant!). Mark drove by there at 10:30am and the line wrapped around the building. Mark then went up to his office, using the four phone lines there (thanks town of hamden) called live nation. While, I, at work went online.
According to Mark, operator #1 was like, reserved seating! I have plenty. Mark is like, two please. She pauses. Then says, no sorry. I was wrong. there is no reserved seating.
Line two comes through with an operator. Mark once again is like, reserved seating, 2. Guy is like, I only have one reserved and one reserved. sorry. The third operator comes on and goes...hi, sorry we\'re sold out.
Meanwhile, i am online, the shit freezes in the middle of the checkout with reserved seating. I can\'t get back in or out. So i have to hit refresh. LOSE everything. Go back in. All i can get is lawn.
So, in the end, I have two lawn tix. Whew.