Author Topic: Phish in 2009  (Read 252611 times)


  • bron bron bachinski
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Phish in 2009
« Reply #1785 on: March 27, 2009, 09:27:16 pm »
Quote from: SkyePrizm;224464
^^^Ant, please do not tell me this is blockbuster in hamden.  cause if it is.  I think tomorrow morning I might have a spazz attack in there.   All i want is meadows reserved seating.  I am really hoping no one else is there, especially scummy scalpers.


I was not at the Hamden Blockbuster. But the Store Manager I was dealing with got a phone call from the Hamden store, saying there were 17 people in line. 17 people for an upstate NY show. Try Milford or Meriden. Better yet call Hamden, Milford and Meriden and ask them how many people they are expecting. Even better yet, go there now and get a "line ticket"! Not sure if they will do that, but I wouldn\'t be surprised.
There were also about 5-8 calls or so to the Blockbuster I was at asking about tomorrow\'s Meadows on sale. The lady told them the process of getting a ticket for a place in line (which, well, you don\'t have to stay for).

Its gonna be a clusterfuck at any CT Blockbuster tomorrow. These Blockbuster employees don\'t really have a clue, nevermind have a clue how to handle a line of 25+ people.

A local Phish show onsale at the Blockbuster I was at today might go something like this:

Lady: "Okay, first in line, what do you need? Oh sorry, how bout this?"

2-3 minutes go by

Lady: "Okay people, here\'s the deal. I\'m gonna keep trying and print as many tickets as I can until there are none left to be printed, which could be anywhere from 3 minutes to a half hour. There are 20 of you in line. The first person in line will choose the tickets he wants, then the 2nd and so on until the already printed tickets are gone"
"Okay everybody, for my next miracle, I\'m going to turn water into funk!"


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Phish in 2009
« Reply #1786 on: March 27, 2009, 10:02:30 pm »
Epic posts, thanks for sharing Ant.

Let me be the first to tell you that your actions today are 100% certified Karma Kosher.  You did everything right both practically and moralistically.  If anything, your worst sin was slacking off on the clock.

The bottom line is that LiveNation is a weird system, which requires weird actions.  With TM everything is in ONE database, so every single outlet, phone operator, and the internet are tied into the same pool; that\'s how they sell out in under a minute.  But LiveNation, the tickets trickle out over time.

I have had two similar experiences with LN for these shows; the first was today.  I was on the phone with LN for Darien, and at 11:01:40 the operator could only pull lawns (which I didn\'t want) but she was fantastic and politely explained that the tickets would keep trickling out.  She stayed on the phone with me for 10 minutes constantly refreshing for different numbers of tickets, but no luck.  But she was convinced that tickets would keep popping up over the first 30 minutes, as was your operator, so it must be how it works.

Of course, my other LN story was when I got the four 8th row Mansfields AT NINETEEN MINUTES PAST THE HOUR.  Explain to me how the fuck that happens.    

So what this all leads back to is that you might have had to do some weird shit, but it\'s only because you were playing a weird game.    

It\'s a tricky topic about going over the limit.  The rule should be there and be enforced so everyone has the same chance and so you don\'t get what you saw today; scalpers loading up at an uncontested line.  But there are certain circumstances where I can\'t get upset at it.  If you had loaded up on 40 tickets and sold them all at face to your friends, I just wouldn\'t have a problem with it.  If Esther, by herself at an outlet for Red Rocks, had reloaded for a 3rd and 4th 4-day pass and hooked up friends, I would have been psyched for her.  So I guess bottom line, I like the limit rule and wish it were enforced, but as long as people  with wholesome intentions break the rule I would have a hard time getting mad at them.  

Nice posts, congrats on all the tickets, good work!  And good luck tomorrow!


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« Reply #1787 on: March 27, 2009, 10:07:24 pm »
Ant, thanks so much for the heads up. I am not even going to waste my time with blockbuster.  I can\'t believe how disorganized they are!  

I am going to just try online and phone from work tomorrow.  I have two computers at work that i am going to go online simultaneously with.


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Phish in 2009
« Reply #1788 on: March 27, 2009, 10:47:21 pm »
chances are the lady knew the scalpers, and further more they cut a deal with her. "hey, it makes no difference to you or your job, do this for me and I\'ll give you $200 cash." they make 10x that, she gets some cash for doing what she would have anyway (just for less people), win-win. quick easy money in a recession can work wonders to grease wheels.

Reminds me of that simpsons where homer slept out for tickets and was 2nd in line.

person 1: "I\'d like 40,000 tickets please"
ticket seller "That will be $80,000 please"
person 1: "Um, the thing is, I\'ve only got $12"
ticket seller "Ah, good enough, you can owe me."
homer: "2 please!"
ticket seller "sorry, we\'re sold out."
"i heard that after he crossed the finish line he proceeded to wrestle down and pin a full sized grizzly bear"- ds673488

"if i listened to the distance on repeat, i\'d be wearing yellow jerseys like a motherfucker" - zuke


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Phish in 2009
« Reply #1789 on: March 27, 2009, 11:39:37 pm »
Just got off the phone with Blockbuster in Malden, MA which is selling Hartfords tomorrow.  They have received at least 25 calls today about Phish.  They don\'t even know if they do first come first served or if they do a line lottery.  They are curious as to why so many people are calling about this the day before.  They are phukt.  They have no idea what is coming.  What a shitshow it will be.  You would think LN would at least send a memo to their retail outlets giving them the heads up that large, anxious, potetntially hostile crowds are coming to the stores.  Nope.  They\'ll probably have one sleepy teenage kid working in the store up against scores of furious phans.  OMG what a nightmare.  And geez, at least if it were TM it would all be over in 30 seconds, but with this LN shit with tickets trickling out over half an hour, people are gonna be bickering and clawing without giving up.  God help us.  And god help the regular folks who just want to rent a movie, that\'s not gonna happen.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2009, 11:46:53 pm by Wolfman »


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« Reply #1790 on: March 27, 2009, 11:50:47 pm »
Quote from: Wolfman;224472
And god help the regular folks who just want to rent a movie, that\'s not gonna happen.

I was wondering that.  I kind of feel bad for people who just want to rent a dvd and get out.  they are going to have to stand in the line, too, right?? Complete chaos.


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Phish in 2009
« Reply #1791 on: March 28, 2009, 12:27:49 am »
so you guys have, like, morals and stuff? i would have scalped as many as i could afford without even thinking about it. i view this as the exact same thing as the stock market except without the risk
take a big bite of the fruit of your labor


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Phish in 2009
« Reply #1792 on: March 28, 2009, 01:55:55 am »
Quote from: zuke583;224474
so you guys have, like, morals and stuff? i would have scalped as many as i could afford without even thinking about it. i view this as the exact same thing as the stock market except without the risk

I would definitely BUY as many as I could, but then I would sell them at face value to friends.  You\'ll get way more in return in the long run.  

And if you don\'t agree, then you need new friends.


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Phish in 2009
« Reply #1793 on: March 28, 2009, 10:54:00 am »
Yeah any extras hook up your fellow phan @ face.

We\'re all in this together, but I just showered, so no need to take a bath today.
Put the pointed pencil in the pepper-po and take a little sniff of the things below. :sadban:

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Jim Cobb

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Phish in 2009
« Reply #1794 on: March 28, 2009, 11:57:52 am »
i\'m on hold....
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Jim Cobb

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Phish in 2009
« Reply #1795 on: March 28, 2009, 12:02:28 pm »
got through to a person at 11:58:30....  still waiting.... for her to find something...
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Jim Cobb

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Phish in 2009
« Reply #1796 on: March 28, 2009, 12:10:42 pm »

hmmm what happened to the automerge?  sorry about that...  i\'ll hit edit from here on out.

how can a person NOT GET TICKETS when on the phone at the moment they go on sale?  their system is fucked.  i\'m so angry for so many reasons right now.  bad day.
« Last Edit: March 28, 2009, 12:14:42 pm by Jim Cobb »
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Phish in 2009
« Reply #1797 on: March 28, 2009, 12:14:51 pm »
i was able to pull a single lawn online.

livenation is clearly clueless when it comes to ticketing. why even bother selling online?


  • bron bron bachinski
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Phish in 2009
« Reply #1798 on: March 28, 2009, 12:16:26 pm »
keep trying folks, got a single pavilion at 12:14!
"Okay everybody, for my next miracle, I\'m going to turn water into funk!"

Jim Cobb

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Phish in 2009
« Reply #1799 on: March 28, 2009, 12:23:03 pm »
this is fucking retarded bullshit.  all i want is to fucking see phish once in my goddamn lifetime and i cant because of the fucking ass backwards system.

phuck you, live nation.
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