What makes you think changing the name to ________ will suddenly make a difference? They might not have much name recognition but if they changed to some thing totally different they would have zero name recognition (except tacking on the "formerly the breakfast") For the record, I\'m not a big fan of the name but it is what it is and I think a lot of people in the scene know the name.
I wasn\'t necessarily advocating the name change just pointing out the other side of the argument.
I guess the gamble would be this. Does the name recognition that they have now help or hurt ? And what I mean by that is this. Being The Breakfast as long as they have has produced X number of fans, but also X number of people who would not go to see them again. If the members of the band started a new project under a new name, X number of old fans would continue but there would be no X number of people who would not go see them because they haven\'t seen the project before. Now I will admit that it is a gamble, and there is always the potential people would dismiss the project anyway.
Life is a gamble and no one ever got rich by playing it safe. There is a lot of risk involved. Think of the great musicians of old. There were many guys who went from failed band to failed band until they finally hit on a project that blew up.
Again I am really just pointing out the other argument. I am not advocating 1 way or other.