Hey Marcial, stop inflating your post totals.
Leith stop being such a beer snob. If you\'re at a beer tasting then the beer should be carefully served at the proper temperature. As far as I can remember, PB has never played a beer tasting. If you\'re just looking to get drunk, the beer should be served however the drinker likes it. Oh yeah, and you\'re guilty as charged for post total inflation. Every 3 sentences does not need to be another post.
Wah, stop stooping to Leith\'s pathetic level.
Doc Ellis, stop lying about your identity.
Yoda, a shark with no teeth is an oversized tadpole.
Maturo, Tangie, Pitch, get your scrawny butts in here.
And to everyone else: You Suck! :finger:
Don\'t make me go Zelda on your ass!