Look DocEllis70, whoever the hell you are,
I\'m not sure what your grudge is with me, but if you\'ve got a problem with me, why don\'t you let it be known and why don\'t you name yourself so I can know who\'s spewing this uneducated pile of shit.
I can honestly say that a few people at the most from the list have a legitimage gripe with me. And again, if this is who I think it is, it has nothing to do with you at all, so mind your fucking business. What\'s done is done and you bitching at me or trying to pick a fight with me is not going to change anything.
I\'m really sick of this shit about me losing my balls and forgetting who my friends are because I left CT and because I don\'t come to shows anymore. I found someone that I love and want to spend the rest of my life with. Sometimes sacrifices need to be made. And by the way, I don\'t remember anyone offering to help me move out of my apartment or even saying goodbye. I\'m not sure why I\'m still on this site since everytime my name is mentioned it\'s usually by DocEllis70 and is trashing me. Later.
I send my apologizes to Fred, Paul and Jeff. This e-mail and my ill thoughts have nothing to do with you.