Christ. Talk about having one\'s expectations exceeded in everyway. Yeah, I think we ALL were a little nervous going in, but from begining to end it was like Chris has been with \'em for years. Kinda scary. Don\'t know how to feel. I told Dave that I sorta feel guilty by liking it and having as good of a time that I did.
I was like, to myself, "...just gonna jump right on into Tribal huh?" Not fully realizing what it was gonna be like at first, I quickly tossed out any doubts. But to just keep droppin\' bombs over and over it was obvious that they weren\'t here to "feel things out." Nice little teases and attempts at some misdirection before Inner Glimpse too.
I\'ve gotta say, the segue between Cut My Hair>Doughboy was as good as it gets, completely fluid. Now to play GS I think showed us all just how good this band and it\'s new member is. It was so complete and full with some obvious great times being had by everyone on stage. What a fuckin\' song.
Psygn was a bit emotional at times, I was wondering if Chris was gonna sing Ron\'s parts, I mean if ya think about it, why shouldn\'t he? He can sing and he\'s already playing all Ron\'s parts anyway. I think I had some slight audible hallucionations though cuz, I totally heard Ron\'s voice. Ok, I didn\'t. Leave me alone.
I was a little mixed on the Matt song, but the incredibly strong playing and jamming shut me up. I think I\'ll get used to it.
I have to say that the Rufus with the musical language Matt and Tim were speaking to eachother was a major highlight for me, the song was just a monster. Once again, the segues lately are just getting so good that they almost seem way too orchestrated to be that perfect, yes that may not really make any sense to any of you, but it does to Jen and me, (I think it\'s probably due to the fact that the band is soooo good though) cuz it was just AMAZING how well Spunk came out of nowhere the way it did. That may also be possibly one of top Spunks period. It was great to see how much Chris was absolutely lovin\' Adrian\'s solo too, also playing that part they play right before they go back into the main part of the song for just a few quick seconds after the solo was over was a GREAT idea.
The entire "first encore" might have been one of my favorite parts of the night, especially when they took it to the bridge, I almost lost my shit for that one. If that song is not an obvious cover that Chris\' funk background, which by the way I was REALLY happy to read about, provided is any indication of what he\'s brought to this band, I mean he was leading it and giving cues to the rest of the band for god\'s sake, things are about to get REALLY interesting around here.
And oh yes, thank Christ the second encore which they in my opinion had no choice but to play, was NOT Johnny B. Goode. Excellent "circle of solos" during Tricky Ways to close out.
Overall, I think we might be the ones "feeling things out," cuz I don\'t think they\'re have having a problem getting yet another "new era" under way....