so joc now that all the people who never had any chance of winning it are out the race are you all about grandpa McCain? At least he won\'t try to redistribute any wealth or give tax breaks to working class citizens or bother any of the soulless corporate lobbyists in Washington or even worry about environmental issues, right? And hey another 100 years in Iraq sounds like a great plan to me. I mean we are only a few hundred billion in debt as it is, lets keep that number rising baby! You can say he is not a conservative sure but he is not a liberal either. Fact is he the best the party can do right now and he is gonna get thrashed by Barack.
Umm... why are you making these assumptions about me, that are so, so off-base? I never have shown any support for McCain. He is nowhere close to the type of candidate I would support. And to posit that I have no concern about environmental issues is both insulting and ludicrous, and makes me question how you can call me a friend.
I would never, ever, ever give my vote to McCain. Looks like come election time, I won\'t be voting at all.* I can\'t believe it, but it is the truth. Among reasons I would NEVER vote for McCain, are:
- He represents more of the same old tired bullshit
- He is pro-life
The McCain-Feingold Bill, which is allegedly aimed at Campaign Finance Reform, but is in fact a blatant assault on the first amendment. Not only is it unconstitutional, it is ANTI-constitutional.
- His policy regarding Iraq
- The McCain-Kennedy Immigration Bill
I think he is a hero for his service in Vietnam, but I think he is a terrible, terrible candidate, whom I would not vote for if a gun was put to my head.
*Unless I write in bdfreetuna