ok, first things first: kate\'s tits looked absolutely fucking glorious in this episode.
that needed to be said.
onwards... i\'m blown away. i didn\'t think there was any way possible that this episode could have been better than last year\'s finale, but as a whole, it was. just watched it for a second time, and still had wet eyes all the way through, even knowing what was going to happen. wow.
i absolutely loved how it started right where last year\'s finale left off. the sayid/keamy fight was epic. locke\'s "hello, jack" at their reunion was great. loved ben going completely apeshit on keamy and stabbing him in the NECK multiple times! his emotionless reaction at the end of that scene when john told him he just killed everyone on the boat was also terrific. "so?" also loved him turning the frozen donkey wheel.
hated seeing jin hopelessly running after the chopper. loved desmond and penny, obviously. both their kiss, and the sawyer/kate kiss were pretty huge. walt. claire. mister fucking ecko! (though i wish WE could have seen him). gosh.
locke in the casket was tremendous. i didn\'t see that coming at all.
what a ride.
this isn\'t a prediction, just an observation: the six feet under series finale continues to be the best finale any show has ever had, in my mind. actually, nothing else even comes remotely close, and i\'m still not convinced that anything ever will. however, let me just say that it wouldn\'t surprise me in the least bit if, two years from now, i\'m saying that the series finale of LOST is the best series finale ever. i don\'t know for sure if that\'ll happen, but i do know that they\'re capable.