but I have to be in Foxboro at 10am to meet up with the crew and head to the Patriots tomorrow, so if I left promptly at 3am and did the six hour drive back...that doesn\'t add up nicely either!
Going to the last 3 shows this year, I am satisfied with that.
Awesome. Have a great time, hell of a game to go to.
Looks like Toad\'s may be the only one of the remaining shows I get to... New Years is actually starting to become an option however.
Here is a sort of combination of what I am getting from Paul and what Dave sent to Seth:
I: jam> Attraction to Shade Ditty> In the Flesh> Phaddy Boom Baddy, Love Lake, LDZ> (extended drum intro>?) Buquebus, Happy Birthday Gencs
II: Jam> Episode 3 (Awakening), Ain\'t Wasting Time No More*, A New Beginning> Spunk> Drum Solo> Wild Pack of Asscracks
E: Hide Your Love Away**> Son of Simpleton, Slow Son of Simpleton jam^> No Regret
* (I\'m assuming Allman Brothers Band), first time played, Matt on vox
** Beatles cover (first time played?)
^ I am thinking that this should maybe have been a segue and a not separate song, typo perhaps? Who knows.