I see on archive that it looks like the breakfast has played but one show in Portland, ME, at a place called The Big Easy. I would like to see them play Portland again sometime, maybe this summer...its a little bit out of the way but not too bad and its a really cool city (i go there once a year with my family). Those who havent been to Portland, its obviously a port city, very old new england feel to it with cobblestone streets and brown buildings, but also a very unique and "hip" city with some street performers and stuff. kinda reminds me of seattle-ish. The Big Easy is a really sweet venue and id like to see them return, but theres also a lot of other good places to play in this one area. I think a 2 night run in Portland this summer would be awesome and we could all make the trip together and stay over in the city. Theres this palce called Gilbert\'s Chowder House that has hands down the best varieties of chowder on the planet.
Plus theres the Shipyard Brewery :beer::drool:
did anyone go to the show they played at the big easy?