After a premature counting it was determined that OE fans had proclaimed victory on the heavily new song biased CNN before the final Florida vote was in! A shocking first of its kind recount was automatically instated and it was found that in fact mooboos had won the vote, mostly by winning the favor of huge amounts of midwest "bible belt" fans with his words of promise "There can still be some hope Dig, on a rope". Obvious a play to sway the independent dig fans won over by matt’s addition to the band; this phrase may have simply won him the election on charisma alone. Many have compared this to Hoover’s infamous "A chicken in every pot" promise. Others have suggested "It\'s fucking MOOBOO\'S Brah!!!"
When last seen, OE had grown a beard and would not comment on the specifics of the election, instead simply stating "And so it goes" as he walked away. It is believed he is currently working on turning his speech on global warming into a documentary movie.