thank you for taping this [not like you would have missed the opportunity, but thank you thank you thank you].
it\'s bittersweet listening to it now because i\'d been planning costume/trip/hotel/weekend/etc for months, i even had tickets at the door, but i blew a halloween microchip before the weekend started and was in bed fri.-mon. thanking jah i was still alive. [yeah, cop out, i know].
would have liked to hear matt bang the keys more obnoxiously on bathtub gin. and there is no replicating the sound of the \'doc [the strat sounded amusing though]. the vocals came out real clear on the matrix [which doesn\'t flatter the band but they did real well considering the comparison]. kudos, good recording. thanks again for letting me hear what i missed out on [over and over again.... sigh].
oh yeah, no one could have done it better.