Author Topic: Vista and Firefox and iTunes.  (Read 3039 times)


  • bron bron bachinski
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Vista and Firefox and iTunes.
« on: March 22, 2007, 07:37:33 pm »
To the computer guru\'s out there (coughdavepeckcough). I just upgraded to Vista last night (so far, so not so good). Couple quick questions/issues. First, I downloaded Firefox, but cannot get any plug-ins to load (Media Player for porn, flash, etc.), am I to just succumb to the fact the I will have to use IE for the rest of my Vista computer career (which may be short-term). Also, I did not back up anything (didn\'t really have much to back up), so when I download iTunes and connect my ipod, will my new library copy everything from the ipod or am I screwed and have to redownload shows and reimport the CDs to have them on the computer. Thanks in advance.
"Okay everybody, for my next miracle, I\'m going to turn water into funk!"


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Vista and Firefox and iTunes.
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2007, 07:45:45 pm »
firefox is working fine on vista for me - plugins, extensions, and everything else..

have you tried manually downloading/installing flash, etc? sometimes firefox is not so good at doing the \'automatic\' installations of those things.. try the manual flash install here:

when you say you didn\'t back anything up, what exactly do you mean? did you wipe out your hard drive and start from scratch, or did you just do an upgrade to vista?

if you didn\'t wipe everything, look for a file called iTunes Library.itl. that\'s your itunes database. you\'ll need to take the old one and copy it over the new one. as long as your physical music files are still in place, it should load fine...

hope that helps.. let me know if it doesn\'t make sense.. been a long day and it\'s quite possible i\'m not making any sense whatsoever right now..


  • bron bron bachinski
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Vista and Firefox and iTunes.
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2007, 08:06:13 pm »
will letchya know. i tryed the manual install for media player last night to no avail because MS doesnt have a plug in for firefox (will the netscape one work?), but not flash yet. i didnt wipe the drive, just realized that since i was able to find my old my documents folder with all my music files in it.
"Okay everybody, for my next miracle, I\'m going to turn water into funk!"


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Vista and Firefox and iTunes.
« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2007, 08:14:21 pm »
ahh.. just noticed my firefox isn\'t playing wmv\'s either.. here\'s a fix: