Author Topic: are going to 10klf....  (Read 4436 times)


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    • are going to 10klf....
« Reply #30 on: July 18, 2006, 03:51:35 pm »
I cant make it to 10KLF this year for a number of reasons but I can say that the Field Stage is way better than the stage they played last year.  A much larger sound system, better lights, plenty of dancin room, etc.  The Soo Pass Ranch is about 6 miles south of Detroit Lakes which I would have to say is more like a 3.5 hour drive from Minneapolis....and mostly on 70 MPH Interstate.  Its all just 3.5 hours from where I\'m sitting right now but I wont be able to attend.  By the time they announce TB was playing I already had decided that the lineup wasnt what I had hoped for.  Then 2 months later I was kicking myself in the ass.  Oh well....we\'ll see what happens next year.