Personally I think your housemate comes off as holier than thou in this article. If drinking on weekends ar a dive bar isn\'t for him then why go out of his way to ruin what other folks want to do. I am not surprised that people are reacting the way they are becasue by wriiting this article he is jeopardizing peoples income.
"This is college: a place for us to branch out. Going to the same decrepit bar each week does not make anyone a better person. The blaring music can be fun to dance to, but even if you met someone new and interesting, the chances are that you would not want to get to know them by taking a long stroll along the streets of Bridgeport."
If he has such a huge problem with it perhaps instead of being a public killjoy he could have tried to provide an alternative instead of just bashing something that a lot of people at his school want to do. He simply "outs" the underage drinking at a venue and bashes the people that go there. The article serves no purpose other than to incite and I think he got the reaction that this article was meant to get.
just my .02