Band/Artist: Raq
Date: March 28, 2013 (check for other copies)
Venue: Paradise Rock Club
Location: Boston, MA
Source: Schoeps MK22>Nbob actives>Naiant PFAs>Sonosax SX-R4/Schoeps MK41>KC5>CMC6>Sonosax SX-R4(24bit/48khz) & SB>SX-R4
Lineage: WAV>USB>Macbook Pro>Audacity(mixing)>Wave Editor(tracking,fades,resample(izotope)/dither(mbit+)to 16 bit/44.1k)>XAct(FLAC 8,ffp,fix sbe)
Taped by: Andy Murray
Transferred by: Andy Murray
01. Crowd/banter
02. Donkey Show
03. Hannah Can
04. Will Run
05. Stuck In A Big Hole
06. Tumbling Down
07. Bootch Magoo
08. Late Night
09. Push The Lil Daisies #
10. Late Night
11. Shirley Be A Drooler
12. encore break
13. Forget Me Not
14. Whipping Post %
15. Bootch Magoo
# - Ween
% - The Allman Brothers