Author Topic: Beyond AWESOME  (Read 3073 times)


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« on: March 15, 2007, 04:13:42 pm »
New species of leopard with largest fangs in cat world discovered

New species: The Bornean clouded leopard

Long thought to be identical to the clouded leopards living on mainland South East Asia, genetic analysis has shown that the Bornean big cat is in fact a separate species.

Scientists have counted at least 40 key differences in the DNA of the two felines - making the two species of clouded leopard almost as different as a lion is to a tiger.

Some of the differences are clear to the naked eye, with the elliptical spots or \'clouds\' which give it its name, being smaller and darker on the island variety.

The Bornean clouded leopard also has darker fur than its mainland cousin.

Dr Andrew Kitchener, of National Museums Scotland, said: "The moment we started comparing the skins of the mainland clouded leopard with the leopard found on Borneo, it was clear we were comparing two different species.

"It\'s incredible that no one has ever noticed these differences."

The research, which forms part of the WWF\'s Heart of Borneo conservation project, brings the number of new species to have emerged from the island\'s jungles in the last year to over 50.

Plants and animals new to science include two species of tree frog and 30 types of fish, including a catfish with an adhesive belly that allows it to stick to rocks.

The scientists say the remote, and for a long time, inaccessible, forests of the world\'s third largest island are one of the \'final frontiers for science - a Lost World that must be preserved from threats from the logging and rubber industries.

The Heart of Borneo, an 84,000 square mile, wild, mountainous region, covered with equatorial rain forest in the centre of the island, is the last great home of the Bornean clouded leopard.

The island\'s most fearsome predator, the clouded leopard has the longest canine teeth of any feline, with fully-grown cats boasting fangs that are up to two-inches long.

Only the long-extinct sabre-tooth tiger had longer canine teeth for its body size.

Tails as long as their bodies allow the secretive and solitary creatures to balance in trees, where they perch to pounce on their prey.

Monkeys, barking deer and bearded pigs can be killed with a single bite, with the leopard having no fear of seeking out prey that is bigger than itself.

Such adept hunting skills put the clouded leopard, which at 35 inches from head to start of tail is about the size of a small Labrador, right at the top of the island\'s food chain.

Stuart Chapman, of the Heart of Borneo programme, said: "Who said a leopard can never change its spots?

"For over a hundred years, we have been looking at this animal and never realised it is unique.

"The fact that Borneo\'s top predator is now considered a separate species further emphasises the importance of conserving the Heart of Borneo."

It is thought there are up to 11,000 of the new species of clouded leopard, Neofelis diardi on Borneo and a further 3,000 to 7,000 on the neighbouring island of Sumatra.

It is estimated the Bornean and Sumatran populations broke away from mainland populations around 1.4 million years ago.

Some Leopard facts:

• With a body that measures just over a foot, the clouded leopard is the smallest of the \'big cats\'.

• It is also the best tree-climber, with flexible ankle joints and keen claws allowing it to run down tree trunks head first. It can run along the underside of branches and hang by the back feet alone - freeing up their front paws to snatch at prey.

• Its two-inch canine teeth are the longest of any living feline and lead to comparisons with the long-extinct sabre-tooth tiger.

• Its jaws can open wider than those of any other cat and the fangs are as big as a tiger\'s, even although tigers are ten times bigger.

• They often ambush their prey from the treetops, landing on the taget\'s back before delivering one fatal bite.

• The young, which are born with solid spots, rather than mottled \'clouds\', are weaned at five months and become independent at nine months.

• The creatures, which live up to 11 years in the wild and 17 in captivity, emit calls ranging from pet cat-like purrs, to roars, growls and hisses.

• Although protected by law, the clouded leopard is still hunted for its beautiful pelt and the supposed healing powers of its bones and teeth." target="_blank">" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket">

Here is the link, there is a good video on the page:
« Last Edit: March 15, 2007, 04:13:42 pm by jocelyn »
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  • govt.cheeze
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« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2007, 12:07:53 pm »
didn\'t read the whole article, but the cat is a pretty one.
3-4-05:  Inspired, enlightened, surprised, excited, confused, evoked euphoria, focused, newfound faith in music.


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« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2007, 12:53:06 am »
Grizzlies are being taken off the endangered species list in Yellowstone Park. Yea!
Worrying is like praying for something you don't want.