Author Topic: From the [PB Fans] Archive: 9/11  (Read 2729 times)


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From the [PB Fans] Archive: 9/11
« on: September 05, 2003, 01:35:23 pm »
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-----Original Message-----
From: Jocelyn []
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 12:17 PM
To: [email][/email]
Subject: [PB Fans]

hi everyone,

In light of today\'s tragedy, I feel the need to let you all know, again,
how much I love you.... Now I know it may come off as cheesy, seeing as I
say it pretty often.... but it is genuine... and right now is a time when
it\'s particularly important for us to make some attempt at unity....  The
repercussions of what happened today will echo for a long time to come, and
we need to be sure to give love and support to everyone who needs it

Can I ask a favor of everyone? Today, if you\'re playing your guitar, or
singing a song, or painting a picture, or breathing fresh air... play a few
chords, sing a few notes, paint a few strokes, and take a deep breath for
the thousands of souls who have suffered today

I hope you all are happy, healthy, and safe



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From the [PB Fans] Archive: 9/11
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2003, 01:36:58 pm »
Code: [Select]
-----Original Message-----
From: Kristina Perrelli []
Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2001 9:28 AM
To: [email][/email]
Subject: [PB Fans] (unknown)

well hello everyone...

I just want to send my love to all of you...those I
know, those I don\'t really know...all of you.  There
really isn\'t much more to say about all of this.  I\'m
pretty much all talked/cried out.  I feel so stupid
for freakin stupid.  People who have lost
parents, children, aunts, uncles, friends, coworkers,
etc. will be crying for days and years to come...and
here I am in with all my family members and friends
accounted for.  there are so many
emotional/psychological levels to all of this...I
really can\'t comprehend how this has affected myself,
all of you, THE COUNTRY.

so, I am thinking of all of you and my love, thoughts,
prayers are hopefully finding their way to you,
wherever you are

We need blood more than anything right now, so make an
appointment for today, sometime this week, next week -
we\'re probably going to need lots for a long time.
