Author Topic: Hubinger Street Last Night In Shelton, CT  (Read 1748 times)


  • w0okadactyl fo\' life
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Hubinger Street Last Night In Shelton, CT
« Reply #15 on: May 23, 2005, 12:40:22 pm »
I am sorry to have to break this news to you DerickW, that was the last straw. P&S and myself, cried on the ride home. We wanted to share the U2 tickets that we won with you with a shot of jager. Oh, well. I have had enough, this can\'t work WITHOUT communication. COMMUNICATION!

seriousily though, we KNEW you WEREN\'T coming down. Something about a 2 hour ride and being late didn\'t add up. Can\'t wait for the weekend. Big day, talk to ya soon.
Love many, trust few and don\'t be late.