Hi, my name is Eric... I started seeing PB in the late 90\'s while in high school. I moved back to the New Haven area a few years ago, and started seeing tB occasionally but it wasn\'t a priority. Last fall I started coming out with a bit more regularity. At this point I have finished my glass of Kool-Aid and am fully on board!
The energy, excitement, and love for the music they are making is palpable. Of the bands that I see regularly, of which there are a bunch, none of \'em have been bringing the heat from first note to last, every show, as consistently as The Breakfast has been (at least for the last bunch of shows I attended). But then again, I don\'t have to convince y\'all.
I guess technically, now that I am on here, I need to stop fluffing and start bitching about setlists =>
GFunk, I think I met you on saturday outside after the show with Igz and a few other cats.