
General Discussions => Tribal Funk Affliction => Topic started by: bdfreetuna on November 15, 2006, 04:54:17 pm

Title: Billy Breathes totally made my day....
Post by: bdfreetuna on November 15, 2006, 04:54:17 pm
So I fix printers for a modest living. Some people assume this is some kind of cool high tech job when I say this: It is not. These are printers that Taco Bell and K-Mart use to print out your receipts. And other shitty obselete printers.

My specialty is fixing the print head, which if you don\'t know, is the part that goes back and forth and fires pins onto the ribbon, putting ink on the paper. Any printer that is not a total piece of crap doesn\'t have this anymore.

So anyway they give me like 50 or 200 or howevermany of these things to fix, and there\'s all different kinds. I get to clean them out, replace bent pins, lube \'em up, resolder all the connections, replace busted parts, put them back together and test them. That\'s pretty much my job.

So anyway....

I\'ve been workin on this one batch of a real-pain-in-the-ass kind of printhead for the last week and when you\'re sitting there in the same place for 8 hours every day and these frickin things just don\'t wanna get fixed and you take em apart and put em back together so many times it gets really ANNOYING!!!

drives me to drink

.... So luckily I got a sweet mp3 player like a month ago and this thing has been saving my ass at work, because I can put on chill tunes and it totally relaxes me and makes the time fly by.

Today I was in a wicked pissed mood after trying to fix the same printhead like 15 times in a row, and I needed some music to chill me out. Put on Phish\'s BILLY BREATHES

is this the best album of all time or what? At least Phish\'s best album. For real though, this album is beautiful. It put me in a pretty good mood and made me all nostalgic blah blah blah

My prescription for all of you is threefold: ***** + Headphones + Billy Breathes

rediscover this gem :)
Title: Billy Breathes totally made my day....
Post by: Mamalakabubadaya on November 15, 2006, 04:56:55 pm
Title: Billy Breathes totally made my day....
Post by: leith on November 15, 2006, 05:44:08 pm
Always been a fan of that album.
Title: Billy Breathes totally made my day....
Post by: davepeck on November 15, 2006, 06:29:53 pm
more a fan of the song itself than the album as a whole, but it\'s still pretty damn good.
Title: Billy Breathes totally made my day....
Post by: Buquebus on November 15, 2006, 06:37:41 pm
sweet blog.  
no, but for ser I love that shit too.
Title: Billy Breathes totally made my day....
Post by: princesscaspian on November 15, 2006, 06:43:47 pm
Quote from: bdfreetuna;126193
My prescription for all of you is threefold: ***** + Headphones + Billy Breathes

rediscover this gem :)

haha the threesome that can be single-handedly blamed for my D in organic chemistry 4 years ago :P

but for real, its certainly a great, relaxing album... I read in the Phish Companion that Billy Breathes is actually a rock opera.... seems a bit farfetched (involving a man falling in love with a TV and such) but still is pretty interesting...
Title: Billy Breathes totally made my day....
Post by: freddiewaht on November 15, 2006, 07:43:31 pm
1.story of the ghost
2.billy breathes
Title: Billy Breathes totally made my day....
Post by: bdfreetuna on November 15, 2006, 08:07:21 pm
Quote from: davepeck;126210
more a fan of the song itself than the album as a whole, but it\'s still pretty damn good.

Yeah this was actually the first Phish song I heard while knowing that it was actually Phish.

I think around 94 or 95 I heard "Bouncing Around the Room" but had no idea who that funky shit was. And I was too young to really care.

But man the first time I heard Billy Breathes.... like, holy guitar solo, mang! Bliss+BillyBreathes are best left together.

..... Princess I can\'t believe that\'s supposed to be a rock opera, no thought even remotely resembling that notion had ever occurred to me!

Ghost and Rift are frickin awesome too but Billy Breathes takes my cake. This album changed my life more than any other album, straight up... what I at first thought was some beautiful songwriting and mesmerizing guitar soon became a way of life ;)
Title: Billy Breathes totally made my day....
Post by: boombox on November 15, 2006, 08:14:43 pm
BB was the Phish album I got into them on - there was a German concert from that tour I caught late night after the pub. I went straight into town on the Monday to buy the disc.

I too think Rift is better, but BB is one I often return to. SOTG took me a while to get into, but it\'s creeping up. I never did buy Round Room (only one I didn\'t buy on import) as I lost interest after hearing a few bad post-hiatus shows - is it worth getting?
Title: Billy Breathes totally made my day....
Post by: peaches626 on November 15, 2006, 08:34:40 pm
Quote from: boombox;126222
is it worth getting?

pebbles and marbles is awesome as the first track... after that i can sort of take it or leave it... its a real loose album, you can tell they made it in like a day and a half or something, but there are some cool moments
Title: Billy Breathes totally made my day....
Post by: leith on November 16, 2006, 03:35:07 am
Well seeing as Billy Breathes is a song Trey wrote about/for his 1st daughter and the album has been described by Trey as a conceptual(sp?) suite in music only I think it does not qualify as a Rock Opera so much.
This was the first album that made most of my cynical deadhead friends take notice of this quirky band I was raving about all the time.
Title: Billy Breathes totally made my day....
Post by: siflandollie on November 16, 2006, 06:28:12 pm
yea billy breathes is good stuff.  Ain\'t nothin quite like a snowy winter afternoon, a fat bowl, some blankets and hot chocolate, and billy breathes....
Title: Billy Breathes totally made my day....
Post by: Stephengencs on November 17, 2006, 12:57:04 pm
Maybe I am not as heady as the rest of you but I like Rift, Hoist, Farmhouse, Round Room, and Undermind better than Billy Breathes....
Title: Billy Breathes totally made my day....
Post by: sallyalli on November 17, 2006, 01:03:28 pm
they are all great...I think pretty much any phish cd is worth getting.
Title: Billy Breathes totally made my day....
Post by: Me! on November 17, 2006, 01:04:22 pm
Quote from: Stephengencs;126392
Maybe I am not as heady as the rest of you but I like Rift, Hoist, Farmhouse, Round Room, and Undermind better than Billy Breathes....

I love ya Gencs, but I thought Round Room was shit right outta the horses ass.  Pebbles and Marbles has IMHO the worst studio Phish jam ever.  

But to each their own....
Title: Billy Breathes totally made my day....
Post by: Jim Cobb on November 17, 2006, 01:11:45 pm
i like to listen to rift sometimes.  and back in the day i was a lawn boy fan.  thats about it though as far as phish and i are concerned.
Title: Billy Breathes totally made my day....
Post by: OMS on November 17, 2006, 01:16:11 pm
im sorry jim, your missing out
Title: Billy Breathes totally made my day....
Post by: Jim Cobb on November 17, 2006, 02:01:10 pm
i dont really like phish all that much.  so no, i\'m not really missing out.
Title: Billy Breathes totally made my day....
Post by: Jim Cobb on November 17, 2006, 02:01:38 pm
ok fine, story of a ghost is a good record too.
Title: Billy Breathes totally made my day....
Post by: Me! on November 17, 2006, 02:06:42 pm
Quote from: Jim Cobb;126402
ok fine, story of a ghost is a good record too.

Best Phish album IMHO
Title: Billy Breathes totally made my day....
Post by: davepeck on November 17, 2006, 02:16:32 pm
you people are fucking nuts...

fikus... shafty... END OF SESSION?!?

frankie says... roggae... brian and robert...

Title: Billy Breathes totally made my day....
Post by: Me! on November 17, 2006, 02:20:44 pm
Quote from: davepeck;126407
you people are fucking nuts...

fikus... shafty... END OF SESSION?!?

frankie says... roggae... brian and robert...


If you didn\'t already know that I\'m insane you haven\'t been paying attention.
Title: Billy Breathes totally made my day....
Post by: Lexington on November 17, 2006, 02:29:21 pm
i hate phish, except for the song farmhouse (no woman no cry)
Title: Billy Breathes totally made my day....
Post by: Stephengencs on November 17, 2006, 02:41:20 pm
Quote from: Lexington;126410
i hate phish, except for the song farmhouse (no woman no cry)

I knew you were a communist.....
Title: Billy Breathes totally made my day....
Post by: Jim Cobb on November 17, 2006, 02:51:18 pm
Quote from: davepeck;126407
you people are fucking nuts...

fikus... shafty... END OF SESSION?!?

frankie says... roggae... brian and robert...


does anyone have any idea what dave just said here?
Title: Billy Breathes totally made my day....
Post by: Stephengencs on November 17, 2006, 02:57:48 pm
I read that as, "are you ser that you think TSOTG is the best phish album?  I mean look at all the mediocre tracks on there comparitively speaking to the rest of Phish\'s body of studio work"
Title: Billy Breathes totally made my day....
Post by: Jim Cobb on November 17, 2006, 03:03:58 pm
stephengencs: guitar tech/translator
Title: Billy Breathes totally made my day....
Post by: Stephengencs on November 17, 2006, 03:34:47 pm
Quote from: Jim Cobb;126415
stephengencs: Road Manager/Band Bitch/translator

fixed it for ya Cobby
Title: Billy Breathes totally made my day....
Post by: Jim Cobb on November 17, 2006, 03:56:44 pm
weren\'t you a guitar tech?
Title: Billy Breathes totally made my day....
Post by: Mark on November 17, 2006, 04:05:36 pm
1. Picture of Nectar
2. Rift
3. Lawn boy
4. Junta

End of story
Title: Billy Breathes totally made my day....
Post by: bdfreetuna on November 17, 2006, 04:53:56 pm
Quote from: Stephengencs;126392
Maybe I am not as heady as the rest of you but I like Rift, Hoist, Farmhouse, Round Room, and Undermind better than Billy Breathes....

In that case, I\'m gonna have to agree with you on that one :P

Quote from: davepeck;126407
you people are fucking nuts...

fikus... shafty... END OF SESSION?!?

frankie says... roggae... brian and robert...


Yeah man, I listened to Story of the Ghost last night after some ppl suggested it was Phish\'s best album. What a joke, its so far from their best album. Half the songs are straight filler. I do like Brian and Robert though.

Billy Breathes
A Picture of Nectar
Lawn Boy
Hoist / Story of the Ghost (tie)
Slip Stitch and Pass
Round Room

now its official ;)
Title: Billy Breathes totally made my day....
Post by: estahwhaddup on November 17, 2006, 05:47:54 pm
i love JUNTA!  yem, divided sky, david bowie, golgi apparatus, FLUFFHEAD>FLUFF\'S TRAVELS, and of course Esther (poor girl...such a happy tune w/ a sad ending)
Title: Billy Breathes totally made my day....
Post by: OMS on November 17, 2006, 05:52:17 pm
my favorites always very but junta rift and prob billy breathes will always be at the top my list
Title: Billy Breathes totally made my day....
Post by: leith on November 17, 2006, 06:33:23 pm
Quote from: Stephengencs;126392
Maybe I am not as heady as the rest of you but I like Rift, Hoist, Farmhouse, Round Room, and Undermind better than Billy Breathes....

You\'re not but that\'s OK we still love ya.
Title: Billy Breathes totally made my day....
Post by: skalnbyc on November 17, 2006, 07:23:48 pm
Quote from: estahwhaddup;126435
i love JUNTA!  

I\'m with Esther!
Title: Billy Breathes totally made my day....
Post by: characterzero on November 17, 2006, 11:19:12 pm
I personally like A Picture of Nectar, as it\'s got so many great songs and diversity.  Also a fan of Junta and Ghost (Gyute is an incredible song).  Also some of the early songwriting is different and interesting.  But Billy Breathes is the album that first got me into Phish and is quite good, nice to just sit back and chill out to.
Title: Billy Breathes totally made my day....
Post by: Wolfman on November 19, 2006, 04:05:14 am
Nothing against Billy Breathes... it\'s really good... and I give props to everyone who loves it for having deep taste.  But how can you seriously pick this album over Junta and Rift?  To each his own is fair indeed, of course.  But damn man, what if people start picking Bona Fide over Moxie Epoxy?  Wouldn\'t that seem a little f-ed up to you?
Title: Billy Breathes totally made my day....
Post by: Todd on November 19, 2006, 05:34:52 am
My $0.02= Care

Title: Billy Breathes totally made my day....
Post by: Marcial on November 19, 2006, 10:56:34 am
BB is the best Phish album as a whole... not necessarily the individual pieces, but the album as a whole, IMO is their best work... everything flows perfectly.

I also think Round Room is awesome.

SOTG and Farmhouse, not so much.....
Title: Billy Breathes totally made my day....
Post by: Wolfman on November 19, 2006, 11:23:21 am
I\'m gonna listen to the whole album Billy Breathes 3 times in a row today.  Thanks for the inspiration everyone!  And btw straight props to everyone picking BB as best Phish album.  I never thought this many people would make it #1.
Title: Billy Breathes totally made my day....
Post by: derickw on November 20, 2006, 10:57:52 am
Live One- not studio but one of my first Phish albums... this is what really got me into the band