
General Discussions => Spunk => Topic started by: jocelyn on February 09, 2006, 02:21:10 pm

Title: Things That I Don\'t Like So Much
Post by: jocelyn on February 09, 2006, 02:21:10 pm
Since we have an abundance of useless threads today... figured I would add this one. This is for pet peeves, this that really piss you off, as the title implies. This is NOT for big things like "Tom DeLay" or "Christian fear-mongering." Got it? Good. I\'ll go first.

* the sound of people eating apples
* the word cake
* walking in front of people when there is music playing with a really steady best because I find it impossible to not walk in time with said beat and it probably looks weird
* the sound of cats (don\'t mind dogs) licking their fur... blech!
* neon packaging on food so it doesn\'t even look like food so it\'s wrecked then because great, now I can\'t eat it because it doesn\'t look like food
* The Vermont Song    :duck:
* the song "Tears of a Clown"
* people loudy chewing gum
* those super short ruffle skirts
* too many keychains
* overly sparkley clothes, with teh exception of evenign gowns
* one way streets

That\'s enough for now.
Title: Things That I Don\'t Like So Much
Post by: chooglincharley on February 09, 2006, 02:30:29 pm
-folks who dont clean up after themselves
-moe, OAR, dmb and other assorted \'bands\'

the list goes on.....
Title: Things That I Don\'t Like So Much
Post by: jocelyn on February 09, 2006, 02:38:02 pm
no no no you\'ve got it all wrong.... this is for LITTLE things... people who don;t clean up after themselves, leechers, etc... those are major things...
Title: Things That I Don\'t Like So Much
Post by: Igziabeher on February 09, 2006, 02:40:02 pm
people who actually get pissed off over little things.
Title: Things That I Don\'t Like So Much
Post by: chooglincharley on February 09, 2006, 02:45:22 pm
^ hahahhahaha
Title: Things That I Don\'t Like So Much
Post by: Wolfman on February 09, 2006, 02:57:46 pm
-lame threads with bad-vibe titles that are on the fast lane to hostility
Title: Things That I Don\'t Like So Much
Post by: jocelyn on February 09, 2006, 03:01:12 pm
Oh come on you guys, this is more silly than anything else. The only hostility in here came from 1) Gregg  2) Seth. So thanks guys. Lighten up. I was curious to see peoples\' quirks. Big deal.
Title: Things That I Don\'t Like So Much
Post by: Wolfman on February 09, 2006, 03:01:20 pm
In fact, screw this...I\'m gonna do

Things That Make Me Smile

-Baking cookies
-Care Bears
-Escher\'s Etchings
-Dazed and Confused
-Good beers
-Little bridges over little lakes, esp. in northern New England
-Chai tea
-Tai Chi
Title: Things That I Don\'t Like So Much
Post by: jocelyn on February 09, 2006, 03:02:15 pm
By the way, I guess this needs clarification: I was JOKING about VT Song....
Title: Things That I Don\'t Like So Much
Post by: Wolfman on February 09, 2006, 03:06:20 pm
Quote from: jocelyn
By the way, I guess this needs clarification: I was JOKING about VT Song....

I was not joking about Ahh The Name is Breakfast Baby in the other thread.  Some things should stay dead.  ATNIBB needs to be brought back about as much as the No Glove video.  

I was also not joking about Care Bears making me happy. Oh, and you know what else makes me happy?  Dancing bananas! :banana: :banana: :banana:
Title: Things That I Don\'t Like So Much
Post by: chooglincharley on February 09, 2006, 03:21:40 pm
lying in bed makes me happy
Title: Things That I Don\'t Like So Much
Post by: Igziabeher on February 09, 2006, 03:27:36 pm
i was only kidding, if i was hostile, you\'d have a black eye;)
Title: Things That I Don\'t Like So Much
Post by: Overexjoesure on February 09, 2006, 03:36:15 pm
^^People that fight.
Title: Things That I Don\'t Like So Much
Post by: davepeck on February 09, 2006, 03:37:34 pm
* coming home from work and seeing my mother-in-law\'s car in the driveway.. :mad:
Title: Things That I Don\'t Like So Much
Post by: Overexjoesure on February 09, 2006, 03:53:32 pm
Title: Things That I Don\'t Like So Much
Post by: Jim Cobb on February 09, 2006, 04:02:48 pm
cookie dough.
Title: Things That I Don\'t Like So Much
Post by: YoMa on February 09, 2006, 04:10:54 pm
guys who have the same forum handle as the name of my favorite jazz drummer (Jimmy Cobb) really piss me off until realizing that its his actual name much later...wait that wouldnt piss me off...i hate this thread!
Title: Things That I Don\'t Like So Much
Post by: Overexjoesure on February 09, 2006, 04:19:54 pm

"Thanks baby"
Title: Things That I Don\'t Like So Much
Post by: bdfreetuna on February 09, 2006, 04:27:18 pm
- getting woken up for just about any reason
- trying to put on a shirt, but the sleeve\'s inside out so your arm won\'t go through easily
- whatever\'s wrong with my wah pedal that makes it cut out occasionally
- paying for gas
- all music by the New Deal
- "the man"
- when I stay up to watch Beavis and Butthead and its one I\'ve seen a billion times
- people who talk too loud

Time to go jump in the love lake...
Title: Things That I Don\'t Like So Much
Post by: Mamalakabubadaya on February 09, 2006, 04:31:34 pm
work for 9 hours, leave at 6 and go to the most boring 3 hour class about pyramids and shit and sit next to some loser in class asked me out=most akward shit ever.
Title: Things That I Don\'t Like So Much
Post by: Overexjoesure on February 09, 2006, 04:34:57 pm
Hey I\'m Not A Loser!!!!
Title: Things That I Don\'t Like So Much
Post by: chooglincharley on February 09, 2006, 04:35:45 pm
i can only imagine, but im not looking forward to it the least bit (dave), but yea....whats wrong with losers?
Title: Things That I Don\'t Like So Much
Post by: Jim Cobb on February 09, 2006, 04:42:56 pm
cookie dough makes me smile, it doesnt piss me off, i should have clarified.  and for the record i DID play drums with miles and coltraine.
Title: Things That I Don\'t Like So Much
Post by: Overexjoesure on February 09, 2006, 04:48:40 pm
Miles never had no cracka drummer....
Title: Things That I Don\'t Like So Much
Post by: YoMa on February 09, 2006, 04:50:04 pm
Quote from: Jim Cobb
cookie dough makes me smile, it doesnt piss me off, i should have clarified.  and for the record i DID play drums with miles and coltraine.

it\'s coltrane, bitch

seriously though, i really thought you just had that handle because you were a fan of him until i saw your name in the setlist. even then it didnt click right away and for a little while i actually thought they had the REAL jimmy cobb come out and play until i realized, "jimmy dont play no geeter"

oh yeah..people who breathe in heavily through their nose while eating REALLY pisses me off.
Title: Things That I Don\'t Like So Much
Post by: SlimPickens on February 09, 2006, 04:54:46 pm
people who say things like "your no bigger than the things that annoy you"
fork bitters
folding cloths when my hands are really dry
nose breathers
nipper dogs
that empty soda can in the way back seat of my truck that I keep forgetting to take out.
eye boogers
teeth snarfs
Title: Things That I Don\'t Like So Much
Post by: Me! on February 09, 2006, 04:57:01 pm
all of you!  

j/k  :biggrin:
Title: Things That I Don\'t Like So Much
Post by: FreeSpirit on February 09, 2006, 05:13:20 pm
no beer
no money
losing shit
forgetting shit.....
Title: Things That I Don\'t Like So Much
Post by: kindm's on February 09, 2006, 05:31:16 pm
people at dunkin donuts that have the most rediculous orders for coffee.

Ill have a 1/2 decaf 1/2 regular coffee w/ skim milk. WTF is that. go to fucking starbucks we don\'t like your kind round here\'
Title: Things That I Don\'t Like So Much
Post by: sconnie4satan on February 09, 2006, 05:41:29 pm
people that live too far away
Title: Things That I Don\'t Like So Much
Post by: jocelyn on February 09, 2006, 05:41:55 pm
ahh ha ha ha. It\'s kinda scary when people who order at Dunkin Donuts start referring to themselves as "we."

I don\'t even know what half of the things on Slim\'s list are...
fork bitters
nose breathers
nipper dogs
teeth snarfs


At least he got the point of the thread...
Title: Things That I Don\'t Like So Much
Post by: FreeSpirit on February 09, 2006, 05:42:12 pm
:wave: that\'d be me... although it\'s 1/2 decaf, 1/2 reg, with skim milk, a shot of cream and hazelnut, and 3 Splendas... if they wanna give me choices, I\'m gonna use them all!  :lol:
Title: Things That I Don\'t Like So Much
Post by: davepeck on February 09, 2006, 05:58:40 pm
more things that piss me off...

Quote from: SlimPickens
people who say things like "your no bigger than the things that annoy you"


Quote from: SlimPickens
fork bitters


Quote from: SlimPickens
folding cloths when my hands are really dry



but seriously, came across a couple more just a little while ago:

* tracklists on the back of a CD with no track numbers (i\'m in the car, wanna know the name of track 8, and have to look and count while i\'m driving to figure it out).

* walking into the gym locker room and choking because someone decided to dump an entire bottle of cologne on them. (seriously, i\'d rather walk in there and smell shit, piss, BO, or something else manly)
Title: Things That I Don\'t Like So Much
Post by: Marcial on February 09, 2006, 06:09:40 pm
getting in your car, putting on the seatbelt, and realizing your keys are still in your fucking pocket
Title: Things That I Don\'t Like So Much
Post by: Whathefunk on February 09, 2006, 06:12:08 pm
when you start using Firefox instead of Internet explorer and you really like it...then you realize you set your time to GMT and now all the posts on .info are an hour ahead!

seriously....anyone know how to change it to eastern standard time?
Title: Things That I Don\'t Like So Much
Post by: antbach on February 09, 2006, 06:12:21 pm
- smelly roommates
- roommates who do not buy anything, including but not limited to: food, beer, paper plates (oh, roommates who use all the dishes but never do dishes; i threw all the plates, silverware, and most pans out because i was pissed), cleaning supplies
- roommates who wear your clothes on a daily basis, and ruin some of them, because they are too lazy to wash their own, or wash the bag of clothes that\'s in the basement since we moved in
- roommates who sleep on the couch because their room is too messy/smelly
- roommates who don\'t empty the trash, fill trash bags and leave them by the door, and never take the trash downstairs
- roommates who \'clean\' up by putting all the trash into a bag and move everything that\'s not in the right place into the next room.
- roommates who \'work\' every night but never have money for bills, and who leave paystubs around for a 10 hour work week

think that\'ll do for now ;)
Title: Things That I Don\'t Like So Much
Post by: ChrisF on February 09, 2006, 06:13:36 pm
Quote from: Marcial
getting in your car, putting on the seatbelt, and realizing your keys are still in your fucking pocket

putting your keys in your pocket, getting out of the car and locking the door, and then realizing your keys fell out of your pocket onto the seat and your door is fucking locked.
Title: Things That I Don\'t Like So Much
Post by: Whathefunk on February 09, 2006, 06:15:41 pm
Quote from: ChrisF
Quote from: Marcial
getting in your car, putting on the seatbelt, and realizing your keys are still in your fucking pocket

putting your keys in your pocket, getting out of the car and locking the door, and then realizing your keys fell out of your pocket onto the seat and your door is fucking locked.

doing that^^^ at puppet house night 2 and then waiting for the AAA guy to break into your car and missing the Beef Barley to open 3rd set:no:
Title: Things That I Don\'t Like So Much
Post by: sconnie4satan on February 09, 2006, 09:20:17 pm
Quote from: antbach
- smelly roommates
- roommates who do not buy anything, including but not limited to: food, beer, paper plates (oh, roommates who use all the dishes but never do dishes; i threw all the plates, silverware, and most pans out because i was pissed), cleaning supplies
- roommates who wear your clothes on a daily basis, and ruin some of them, because they are too lazy to wash their own, or wash the bag of clothes that\'s in the basement since we moved in
- roommates who sleep on the couch because their room is too messy/smelly
- roommates who don\'t empty the trash, fill trash bags and leave them by the door, and never take the trash downstairs
- roommates who \'clean\' up by putting all the trash into a bag and move everything that\'s not in the right place into the next room.
- roommates who \'work\' every night but never have money for bills, and who leave paystubs around for a 10 hour work week

think that\'ll do for now ;)

so....your answer is "roommates"
I\'m going to back to the roommate lifestyle soon, but I\'m not going to be running a flophouse!
Title: Things That I Don\'t Like So Much
Post by: skalnbyc on February 09, 2006, 09:29:28 pm
Staying late at work when you anticipated a normal departure time.

Antbach, time for some new roomates.
Title: Things That I Don\'t Like So Much
Post by: bezerker on February 09, 2006, 10:11:50 pm
loud noses
loud eaters
chapped lips
being forced to listen to music i dislike

when dobz busts out his bitchy/asshole attitude

ciggarette smoke
Title: Things That I Don\'t Like So Much
Post by: Marcial on February 09, 2006, 10:28:23 pm
Quote from: alexanderzurflu
Staying late at work when you anticipated a normal departure time.

good one.
Title: Things That I Don\'t Like So Much
Post by: skalnbyc on February 09, 2006, 10:47:21 pm
Quote from: Marcial
Quote from: alexanderzurflu
Staying late at work when you anticipated a normal departure time.

good one.

I\'m hoping to be out of here for The O.C. at 9pm ;)
Title: Things That I Don\'t Like So Much
Post by: Marcial on February 09, 2006, 11:02:00 pm
the day I started my current job, I thought I would would have a pretty easy first day... 16 hrs later, I was just leaving.
Title: Things That I Don\'t Like So Much
Post by: Jim Cobb on February 09, 2006, 11:17:40 pm
Quote from: alexanderzurflu
Staying late at work when you anticipated a normal departure time.


edit: this is my 1700th post.
Title: Things That I Don\'t Like So Much
Post by: Todd on February 10, 2006, 01:45:53 am
People who bitch about things they cannot change.
Title: Things That I Don\'t Like So Much
Post by: leith on February 10, 2006, 01:48:28 am
Quote from: Todd
People who bitch about things they cannot change.

Title: Things That I Don\'t Like So Much
Post by: Todd on February 10, 2006, 02:01:15 am
Quote from: Jim Cobb
this is my 1700th post.

How do you plan on celebrating???
Title: Things That I Don\'t Like So Much
Post by: Whathefunk on February 10, 2006, 02:31:34 am
Quote from: Todd
Quote from: Jim Cobb
this is my 1700th post.
How do you plan on celebrating???

by getting up on stage and jamming with the band!!!!

oh wait.....he already did that:doh:
Title: Things That I Don\'t Like So Much
Post by: Buquebus on February 10, 2006, 03:28:43 am
Quote from: leith
Quote from: Todd
People who bitch about things they cannot change.

Title: Things That I Don\'t Like So Much
Post by: Jim Cobb on February 10, 2006, 09:42:12 am
Quote from: Todd
Quote from: Jim Cobb
this is my 1700th post.

How do you plan on celebrating???

i\'m gettin wasted.

right now.
Title: Things That I Don\'t Like So Much
Post by: chooglincharley on February 10, 2006, 10:47:52 am
it is friday
Title: Things That I Don\'t Like So Much
Post by: jocelyn on February 10, 2006, 12:36:56 pm
Thread title edited to lighten it up.... Don\'t want to actually piss anyone off.

Plus, piss is an ugly word.
Title: Things That I Don\'t Like So Much
Post by: Overexjoesure on February 10, 2006, 12:44:01 pm
-Last nights attendance at Daniel St!!!
-The fact that after 2 beers and one cigarette I have a hangover the next day.
-Arrested Devlopment season 3 ending prematurely.
-The fact that I dont have the discipline to learn an instrument so I rawk like the boys in the band.
Title: Things That I Don\'t Like So Much
Post by: davepeck on February 10, 2006, 12:52:21 pm
* weaksauce thread title edits. ;)
Title: Things That I Don\'t Like So Much
Post by: jocelyn on February 10, 2006, 12:54:22 pm
I just can\'t win around here.
Title: Things That I Don\'t Like So Much
Post by: Gordo on February 10, 2006, 01:02:43 pm
+ pre-pay gas-pumps
+ over-cooked burgers
+ cd\'s with no books
+ boxers that twist and ride up your crack
+ losing the remote
+ sleeping with jeans on
+ chicks who show off their camel-toe
+ waking up prematurely b/c james taylor is blasting
+ and thinking it was, uhhh, a dry fart ;)
Title: Things That I Don\'t Like So Much
Post by: jocelyn on February 14, 2006, 02:58:14 pm
* the fact that the damn nob keeps coming off my damn washing machine right after I dump the soap in and am about to wash my clothes, and no amount of epoxy will make it stay on
* the fact that when said washer DOES work it gyrates and leaps and clunks and moves about 3 inches across my kitchen floor during the spin cycle
Title: Things That I Don\'t Like So Much
Post by: SlimPickens on February 14, 2006, 03:39:57 pm
Quote from: jocelyn

* the fact that when said washer DOES work it gyrates and leaps and clunks and moves about 3 inches across my kitchen floor during the spin cycle

throw a saddle on it and play maytag rodeo
Title: Things That I Don\'t Like So Much
Post by: Me! on February 14, 2006, 03:49:50 pm
going to the buffet place down the street from my work for lunch and getting charged the dinner price plus two bucks because it\'s a "holiday"

Fuck this stupid holiday!

me!=bitter old man
Title: Things That I Don\'t Like So Much
Post by: jocelyn on February 15, 2006, 02:25:06 am
* the fact that my new cellphone, formerly my little brother\'s old cellphone, won\'t stop playing the OC themesong as its ringtone no matter what the fuck I do
Title: Things That I Don\'t Like So Much
Post by: leith on February 15, 2006, 02:41:05 am
Sorry I just had to.
Title: Things That I Don\'t Like So Much
Post by: Me! on February 23, 2006, 05:26:54 pm
when you wash your hoodie and the drawstring comes out, and you have to sit there for like 1/2 an hour feeding the fuckin thing back through :rolleyes:
Title: Things That I Don\'t Like So Much
Post by: Rujah on February 23, 2006, 05:44:21 pm
Quote from: jocelyn
* the fact that my new cellphone, formerly my little brother\'s old cellphone, won\'t stop playing the OC themesong as its ringtone no matter what the fuck I do

is the O.C on tonight?
Title: Things That I Don\'t Like So Much
Post by: jocelyn on February 23, 2006, 05:49:25 pm
ahhhhhhhhh! I DON\'T KNOW and I\'VE NEVER SEEN THE SHOW and this ringtone is driving me FUCKING CRAZY!
Title: Things That I Don\'t Like So Much
Post by: Todd on February 23, 2006, 06:20:37 pm
Quote from: Me!
when you wash your hoodie and the drawstring comes out, and you have to sit there for like 1/2 an hour feeding the fuckin thing back through :rolleyes:

Never learned to a: tie the damn thing prior to washing? b: use a coat hanger to feed it through???
Title: Things That I Don\'t Like So Much
Post by: MakisupaPJ on February 23, 2006, 06:25:39 pm
Caaaaaliforniiiiaaaaa, Caaaaaliforniiiiaaaaa
Title: Things That I Don\'t Like So Much
Post by: Me! on February 23, 2006, 06:38:36 pm
well I\'m at work so I don\'t have a coathanger, and I did tie it but it came through the hole anyway..........


;) sorry I just always wanted to use that smiley
Title: Things That I Don\'t Like So Much
Post by: jocelyn on February 23, 2006, 07:17:04 pm
Quote from: MakisupaPJ
Caaaaaliforniiiiaaaaa, Caaaaaliforniiiiaaaaa

You bastard! Motherfucker what the fuck!?
Title: Things That I Don\'t Like So Much
Post by: MakisupaPJ on February 23, 2006, 07:52:36 pm
Sorry, that was the first thing that came to my head. My ex-girlfriend used to watch that show all the time and when ever I heard that song my skin tingled (in an oh shit I dont want to watch this feeling) I guess I had a flashback....there has got to be a way of resetting that..goto menu and look for settings..there you should be able to change the ringtone....CAaaalifornniiiaaaa..ooohh its happening again....
Title: Things That I Don\'t Like So Much
Post by: Buquebus on February 23, 2006, 08:20:34 pm
when you make a delivery order and you receive the wrong goods..even when it matches what is written on the slip on your brown paper bag.. I\'m talking about food of course... it has happened to me two times in the past week or so. It just irks the fuck out of me, especially when I make my living remembering people\'s orders, and stupid variations to the menu (" an ike on a marble, with sprouts instead of tomatoes and extra honey mustard"), and all the fuckin\' soy lattes with not to much ice.....  there\'s no time for pen\'s and such in the land of bagel rising...just a heady memory
Title: Things That I Don\'t Like So Much
Post by: antbach on February 23, 2006, 09:56:52 pm
when your employer cuts everyone\'s hours to 32/week for the 3rd time in 5 months and you are now going to be in a hole because that 8 hours is your beer/gas/cigarette money each week.
Title: Things That I Don\'t Like So Much
Post by: sallyalli on February 23, 2006, 11:15:44 pm
quit smoking :)
Title: Things That I Don\'t Like So Much
Post by: Rujah on February 23, 2006, 11:26:48 pm
im thinking about...
Title: Things That I Don\'t Like So Much
Post by: sallyalli on February 24, 2006, 01:16:04 am
Everyone should, if they want to. I think the trick is to try lots of times...and then eventually it will just happen... cold turkey.
Title: Things That I Don\'t Like So Much
Post by: Mamalakabubadaya on February 24, 2006, 01:36:00 am
i don\'t like macintosh computers. i\'m on one right now and i despise it just about as much as my sister\'s roommate who owns this piece of shit computer.
Title: Things That I Don\'t Like So Much
Post by: Jim Cobb on February 24, 2006, 11:49:02 am
Quote from: Buquebus
when you make a delivery order and you receive the wrong goods..even when it matches what is written on the slip on your brown paper bag.. I\'m talking about food of course... it has happened to me two times in the past week or so. It just irks the fuck out of me, especially when I make my living remembering people\'s orders, and stupid variations to the menu (" an ike on a marble, with sprouts instead of tomatoes and extra honey mustard"), and all the fuckin\' soy lattes with not to much ice.....  there\'s no time for pen\'s and such in the land of bagel rising...just a heady memory

when you order a hard drive and instead of delivering it to 97 morningside drive, croton on hudson, ny, fed ex delivers it to 97 morningside drive, OSSINING, ny, because fedex employs monkeys and retards to deliver their packages, then once the drive finally arrives, it doesn\'t work properly and i have to pay shipping to send it back to LaCie and they tell me nothing is wrong with it and send it back so i\'m up shits creek with a drive that doesn\'t work.

Quote from: sallyalli
Everyone should, if they want to. I think the trick is to try lots of times...and then eventually it will just happen... cold turkey.

3 months today!
Title: Things That I Don\'t Like So Much
Post by: antbach on February 24, 2006, 12:03:02 pm
Quote from: sallyalli
quit smoking :)

Not gonna happen in the near future. Sooner or later, maybe, much later than sooner though. I like my cancer sticks.
Title: Things That I Don\'t Like So Much
Post by: Todd on February 24, 2006, 12:17:17 pm
<<<<- dumbass that quit for over a year and a half.....
Title: Things That I Don\'t Like So Much
Post by: Me! on February 24, 2006, 12:23:03 pm
<<<<<- dumbass that quit for 2 1/2 years
Title: Things That I Don\'t Like So Much
Post by: jocelyn on February 24, 2006, 01:36:23 pm
<<<<- dumbass that quit for... 3 days. sweet!

Alli that doesn\'t sound like much of a trick. Ya got anything better?
Title: Things That I Don\'t Like So Much
Post by: derickw on February 24, 2006, 02:16:51 pm
<<<<< quit for 3 years and now i\'m back..... fuck stress.
Title: Things That I Don\'t Like So Much
Post by: Jim Cobb on February 24, 2006, 02:17:41 pm
just decide you want to stop, set a date, and stick to it.  just know that you dont HAVE to smoke and that any craving will pass.
Title: Things That I Don\'t Like So Much
Post by: Todd on February 24, 2006, 02:20:54 pm
But Phillip Morris keeps coming to me in my sleep and telling me I HAVE TO smoke!!!!! :lol:

The time is coming soon though....soon I tell you, soon!!
Title: Things That I Don\'t Like So Much
Post by: antbach on February 24, 2006, 02:25:40 pm
I quit for two months about 4 or 5 years ago, but then started dipping instead, I think I made the right decision on where to get my nicotine from :)
Title: Things That I Don\'t Like So Much
Post by: Gfunk on February 25, 2006, 04:25:13 pm
i recomend getting a horrible cough and cold so that you cant smoke even if you want to. thats what i did :thumbsup:
Title: Things That I Don\'t Like So Much
Post by: Spacey on February 25, 2006, 04:26:47 pm
Quote from: Gfunk
i recomend getting a horrible cough and cold so that you cant smoke even if you want to. thats what i did :thumbsup:

been there and done that.

I never stop smoking, even if it kills. I smoke the pot like a chain-smoker smokes butts.
Title: Things I Don\'t Care For
Post by: Gfunk on February 25, 2006, 04:36:48 pm
*listening to the radio
*close talkers (has this one been said?)
*small-town cops
*people who talk shit about the breakfast and have never even heard them
*static electricity
*the dmv
*finding hair in yer food
... maybe more to come when i think of it...

Quote from: Spacey
Quote from: Gfunk
i recomend getting a horrible cough and cold so that you cant smoke even if you want to. thats what i did :thumbsup:

been there and done that.

I never stop smoking, even if it kills. I smoke the pot like a chain-smoker smokes butts.
yeah i quit smoking butts when i was sick but smoked herbs like a champ the whole time and coughed my lungs out.
Title: Things That I Don\'t Like So Much
Post by: sallyalli on February 25, 2006, 04:40:55 pm
Quote from: jocelyn
<<<<- dumbass that quit for... 3 days. sweet!

Alli that doesn\'t sound like much of a trick. Ya got anything better?

The last time I smoked a cigarette was at Thanksgiving...You just have to really want it. Find something that motivates you and stick with it...:)
Title: Things That I Don\'t Like So Much
Post by: Gfunk on February 25, 2006, 04:43:09 pm
jocelyn, when you quit, just double up on your pots smokin\'
Title: Things That I Don\'t Like So Much
Post by: antbach on February 25, 2006, 08:11:19 pm
Quote from: Gfunk
i recomend getting a horrible cough and cold so that you cant smoke even if you want to. thats what i did :thumbsup:

was in the hospital after surgery for at least a week without being able to really walk, or go out for a smoke, so yea, that doesnt work either for this guy.
Title: Things That I Don\'t Like So Much
Post by: Gordo on February 26, 2006, 02:50:46 pm
im a month deep.. i dont crave em anymore and actually get irritated when surrounded by smoke. its been surprisingly easy, although the first 3 days were tough.
Title: Things That I Don\'t Like So Much
Post by: antbach on March 03, 2006, 03:19:41 pm
When your co-worker has Fridays off because of the hour cuts, and has Monday off for who-knows-why, so she does her jobs that are due to ship Monday half assed on Thursday, and then you get stuck doing the jobs basically all over again on top of your own work because she\'s a fat, lazy, bitch.