
General Discussions => Spunk => Topic started by: freddiewaht on July 19, 2005, 07:40:22 pm

Title: The Ser Board=dunzo
Post by: freddiewaht on July 19, 2005, 07:40:22 pm
Not Worth The Aggrevation.......
Im Gonna Have Sant Pull It Down Tonite.
Title: The Ser Board=dunzo
Post by: Rujah on July 19, 2005, 08:01:43 pm
freddie- i thought oyu had "absolutely"  nothing to do with the SER board
Title: The Ser Board=dunzo
Post by: kyndkate on July 19, 2005, 08:02:34 pm
Good call freddie. I was just telling all those Spreadheads today what a great message board we have - hardly any flaming, really helpful folks, and a positive family vibe. Let\'s keep it that way.
Title: The Ser Board=dunzo
Post by: freddiewaht on July 19, 2005, 08:27:15 pm
the sr board was an alternative to pheesh,not .info.
apples and oranges folks..
Title: The Ser Board=dunzo
Post by: obsession600 on July 19, 2005, 08:59:41 pm
I thought was the alternative to dunzo
Title: The Ser Board=dunzo
Post by: Spacey on July 19, 2005, 09:08:05 pm
Quote from: kyndkate
Good call freddie. I was just telling all those Spreadheads today what a great message board we have - hardly any flaming, really helpful folks, and a positive family vibe. Let\'s keep it that way.

It has alway been that way, that other board was nothing more then an escape from here. To post and do things that we won\'t do around here. That board had nothing to do with .info.
Title: The Ser Board=dunzo
Post by: Ant-Man on July 20, 2005, 01:13:30 am
I have something in the works...
Title: The Ser Board=dunzo
Post by: Spacey on July 20, 2005, 06:48:15 am
Quote from: Ant-Man
I have something in the works...

don\'t bother...
Title: The Ser Board=dunzo
Post by: ChrisF on July 20, 2005, 08:34:10 am
im not sure if its a good idea or if its even possible, but why not have a secret forum on .info where anything goes? have it password protected so only people who ask can get in. maybe also make it so you need over 1000 posts to access it.

you guys can fight in there or say whatever you want and no one will see it but the people involved in the secret forum. that way outsiders have no idea whats going on or that the secret forum even exists.

The forum could be called Wild Pack Of Asscracks. I think its a good idea if it wouldnt take a whole lot of work to set up because it would keep the bullshit out of the threads that everyone sees.
Title: The Ser Board=dunzo
Post by: davepeck on July 20, 2005, 09:11:35 am
Quote from: ChrisF
im not sure if its a good idea or if its even possible, but why not have a secret forum on .info where anything goes? have it password protected so only people who ask can get in. maybe also make it so you need over 1000 posts to access it.

you guys can fight in there or say whatever you want and no one will see it but the people involved in the secret forum. that way outsiders have no idea whats going on or that the secret forum even exists.

The forum could be called Wild Pack Of Asscracks. I think its a good idea if it wouldnt take a whole lot of work to set up because it would keep the bullshit out of the threads that everyone sees.

this is something i would consider. however, i think another conditional of this \'secret\' forum would be having it open to donating members only. why? because if someone needs a place where they need to have a free-for-all on .info\'s bandwidth, they can make a donation to the site..

i think that\'s reasonable.
Title: The Ser Board=dunzo
Post by: ChrisF on July 20, 2005, 09:22:14 am
good idea. why not add several special features only for people who have donated a certain amount. it would give people more of an incentive to donate and help the site. give them more color schemes, exclusive .info desktop backgrounds, aim buddy icons, and stuff like that as long as creating all that stuff is worth it.
Title: The Ser Board=dunzo
Post by: kindm's on July 20, 2005, 10:01:21 am
Playing devils advocate for a moment.

Why does anyone need a secret forum for stuff to be posted ? If it is something that should be in a "secret forum" then it probably doesn\'t belong on the message borad in the first place. And depending on the subject matter you might be discussing do you really want a paper trail ? It could do more harm then good.

Alo I will add that this is just another way to fragment the fans. We saw that when there were 2 message boards. All it does is serve to fractionalize the fanbase. Those who know about the "secret" and those that don\'t.

If a thread is needed to discuss things like site dev. or upcoming show issues that shoudlnt be made public I would simly suggest a thread that only admins or Mods can use (thats how we do it on

Perhaps if funding is to be raised we could simply do giveaways and raffles and the only folks who get entered are people who make a donation (ie. buy a raffle ticket)
Title: The Ser Board=dunzo
Post by: oldnewbie on July 20, 2005, 10:05:54 am
Quote from: kyndkate
Good call freddie. I was just telling all those Spreadheads today what a great message board we have - hardly any flaming, really helpful folks, and a positive family vibe. Let\'s keep it that way.

a noob statement if i ever heard one!!!

Quote from: kindm\'s
Playing devils advocate for a moment.

Why does anyone need a secret forum for stuff to be posted ? If it is something that should be in a "secret forum" then it probably doesn\'t belong on the message borad in the first place. And depending on the subject matter you might be discussing do you really want a paper trail ? It could do more harm then good.

Alo I will add that this is just another way to fragment the fans. We saw that when there were 2 message boards. All it does is serve to fractionalize the fanbase. Those who know about the "secret" and those that don\'t.

If a thread is needed to discuss things like site dev. or upcoming show issues that shoudlnt be made public I would simly suggest a thread that only admins or Mods can use (thats how we do it on

Perhaps if funding is to be raised we could simply do giveaways and raffles and the only folks who get entered are people who make a donation (ie. buy a raffle ticket)

with this  i agree!
Title: The Ser Board=dunzo
Post by: derickw on July 20, 2005, 10:07:53 am
Quote from: kindm\'s

Alo I will add that this is just another way to fragment the fans. We saw that when there were 2 message boards. All it does is serve to fractionalize the fanbase. Those who know about the "secret" and those that don\'t.

Some sneeches have stars and some don\'t
Title: The Ser Board=dunzo
Post by: Jim Cobb on July 20, 2005, 10:16:21 am
Quote from: kindm\'s
Playing devils advocate for a moment.

Why does anyone need a secret forum for stuff to be posted ? If it is something that should be in a "secret forum" then it probably doesn\'t belong on the message borad in the first place. And depending on the subject matter you might be discussing do you really want a paper trail ? It could do more harm then good.

Alo I will add that this is just another way to fragment the fans. We saw that when there were 2 message boards. All it does is serve to fractionalize the fanbase. Those who know about the "secret" and those that don\'t.

If a thread is needed to discuss things like site dev. or upcoming show issues that shoudlnt be made public I would simly suggest a thread that only admins or Mods can use (thats how we do it on

Perhaps if funding is to be raised we could simply do giveaways and raffles and the only folks who get entered are people who make a donation (ie. buy a raffle ticket)

yeah i\'d have to agree with this.  if there\'s just a seperate place where people can really flame each other, it will in turn just raise the tension here.  if people need a place to really get heated with one another, thats why we have the PM feature, email, AIM and telephones.
Title: The Ser Board=dunzo
Post by: antbach on July 20, 2005, 10:51:20 am
I agree that a \'secret\' forum would indeed end up turning into a pbfans versus whateveritwas fiasco. Like a few said, we do have PM, AIM, etc. to take care of those types of issues.

And, unrelated, I do not like the new "DONOR" icon. The supporting member was better, in my opinion. With the new one I feel as though I gave blood, or a kidney. . .
Title: The Ser Board=dunzo
Post by: Mamalakabubadaya on July 20, 2005, 10:56:01 am
definitely agree with you guys ^^^^
a "secret" board where you can go and talk shit definitely causes some tension around here. there are threads on that board that have people saying shit about specific members on this board and it\'s not very mature. if you guys have shit to say, use a phone..come on

Quote from: Spacey
It has alway been that way, that other board was nothing more then an escape from here. To post and do things that we won\'t do around here. That board had nothing to do with .info.

if you need an escape from .info do something else. i really don\'t see the point in creating a forum that is sort of related to this one as an "escape". there are tons of other things you can do other than sitting at a computer.
Title: The Ser Board=dunzo
Post by: freddiewaht on July 20, 2005, 11:41:07 am
dave,i think its a great idea.
of coarse i do.
and for folks who say to find something else to do besides sit in front of a computer,what the fuck are you doing in front of a computer??
laughable really.
Title: The Ser Board=dunzo
Post by: Mamalakabubadaya on July 20, 2005, 11:45:25 am
i\'m in front of a computer because i\'m at work in an office 9-5 m-f
Title: The Ser Board=dunzo
Post by: freddiewaht on July 20, 2005, 11:50:17 am
good for you..
however,dont look down at folks who enjoy fucking around on their computer..
also,which it seems as if youve failed to grasp,is that the ser board HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH THEBREAKFAST.INFO,BUT INSTEAD WAS AN ALTERNATIVE TO PHEESH,WHICH RECENTLY CLOSED DOWN....splitting up the fanbase=your talking to the wrong dude.
Title: The Ser Board=dunzo
Post by: Jim Cobb on July 20, 2005, 11:55:42 am
guys, chill.  freddie, you\'re welcome to start a board about baby monkey porn if you really want to, that\'s you\'re right as a user of the internet.  however, the issue at hand is that of a seperate forum on THIS site, a "secret" forum if you will, basically for having a free for all, which i am opposed to.
Title: The Ser Board=dunzo
Post by: freddiewaht on July 20, 2005, 12:03:06 pm
ok,ill explain my case...
ive been a member here for a long time. im also great friends with dave. ive also gotten into shit with dave once or twice about questionable shit. understandably so. dude runs the place,and does a fine job. sometime last year,i stumbled onto pheesh. started spending alot of time there,while still popping up here,and doing my thing. abruptly,about 2 weeks ago,theo shut pheesh down. fine,whatever. so i hit up .info,and livephish,another cool spot. then,2 girls from pheesh started pheeshy,another alternative. all pheeshers joined,and it was cool again. then out of nowhere,they thought it would be histerical to BAN THE WORD SER,AND REPLACE IT FOR THE BREAKFAST SUCKS ASS. not cool..i let it slide for  afew days in hoping it would just die down,but the more i complained the funnier it became,i guess. then,outta nowhere,i get an im from my buddy steve(santelope)with a link.i click the link and the ser board was created.
now,back to the subject,i think .info is fine the way it is.
however,if he decides to make a special secret sorta area,id be all about it too.
Title: The Ser Board=dunzo
Post by: Jim Cobb on July 20, 2005, 12:18:52 pm
no i know where you\'re coming from man.  i have no opposition to the ser board at all.
Title: The Ser Board=dunzo
Post by: freddiewaht on July 20, 2005, 12:28:18 pm
ser board=dunzo.
Title: The Ser Board=dunzo
Post by: Jim Cobb on July 20, 2005, 12:46:03 pm
all is well.
Title: The Ser Board=dunzo
Post by: Spacey on July 21, 2005, 04:08:05 pm
Quote from: Mamalakabubadaya

Quote from: Spacey
It has alway been that way, that other board was nothing more then an escape from here. To post and do things that we won\'t do around here. That board had nothing to do with .info.

if you need an escape from .info do something else. i really don\'t see the point in creating a forum that is sort of related to this one as an "escape". there are tons of other things you can do other than sitting at a computer.

First, I was not the creator simply a poster in the other forum.
Secondly, known of you really know what I do all and what I am suppose to do all day, so your assumpstions are totally wrong. I use the computer for everything. From reading the news, to talking to old college friends, to working on promotions, to looking for serious work, to make side money. Like I said, there are times when .info is crickets and so I choose to enter the pheesh forum, thats all, as an escape from talking about the Breakfast all the time. What is the problem with that? Simply, I done defending myself, my choices and other people actions about the subject. SER does not belong to the Breakfast, if you are all hurt about it being related to some stupid board that only lastest a few hours, then YOU must find something else to do.
Title: The Ser Board=dunzo
Post by: delfunk1 on July 21, 2005, 04:28:12 pm
You mean to say that the SER board is not affiliated with the Society for Ecological Research lol....
Title: The Ser Board=dunzo
Post by: SlimPickens on July 21, 2005, 05:16:13 pm
Quote from: delfunk1
You mean to say that the SER board is not affiliated with the Society for Ecological Research lol....
Title: The Ser Board=dunzo
Post by: freddiewaht on July 21, 2005, 05:30:26 pm
hold on,this kids ser??
Title: The Ser Board=dunzo
Post by: Spacey on July 21, 2005, 05:45:59 pm
I am no longer ser, I\'m fucking serious.
Title: The Ser Board=dunzo
Post by: Ant-Man on July 21, 2005, 05:46:17 pm
Title: The Ser Board=dunzo
Post by: derickw on July 21, 2005, 09:48:51 pm
Quote from: Ant-Man

stretch\'n it a bit too far