
Breakfast Babble => The Grand Scheme Of Things => Topic started by: psychjosh on November 29, 2004, 08:27:07 pm

Title: passing of a friend
Post by: psychjosh on November 29, 2004, 08:27:07 pm
John Hall was the bass player for AGP. He passed this weekend and will be missed.

John was a great kid and a great bass player.

One of our 1st Boston gigs, Ronny forgets his bass and who comes to the Save\'s rescue?? John F\'n Hall that\'s who!

One of John\'s last appearances was at the Webster in May when AGP played w/ the boys.

peace out John! We\'ll miss you.
Title: passing of a friend
Post by: Wolfman on November 29, 2004, 10:06:46 pm
5/22/4 at the Webster was indeed John\'s last appearance on stage.  The MP3 of that song is up at  (There\'s a funny moment at the end when Brendan says "stick around for Psychedeli- I mean - The Breakfast")

Anyways, this is a huge tragedy for AGP and the Hall family.  My favorite memory of John came on 1/9/99, at one of the shows in Framingham, MA that my high school bands used to open for AGP.  We were soundchecking and John came on stage to adjust some gear and we realized that he looked exactly like our bass player, Joe.  We kidded around about that for a while.  Then during our set I made some sort of joke about it and it became this running thing from then on.  AGP has done amazingly to keep the show on the road with no bass player for the last 2 years. (Further evidence that Rob Marscher is the sickest keyboard player out there.) However, the groove has definitely been missing something since John left.  We miss you John!

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