
General Discussions => Spunk => Topic started by: ds673488 on February 07, 2008, 09:54:38 pm

Title: ds-numbers bowled a 276
Post by: ds673488 on February 07, 2008, 09:54:38 pm
i felt like i had to share this story with .info.  I am a complete and utter amateur bowler, who has no technique (i dont even use the thumb hole on the ball).  up until this past month and a half, where i have been going bowling every wednesday night with my friends because this place near me has dollar games and dollar beers, i probably bowled about once a year.  i usually average about a 150 or so.  last night something rediclous happened and on my third game i started the round with 9 strikes in a row.  now for those who bowl somewhat regularly, you know how hard it is to get 9 strikes in a row, ESPECIALLY for someone like me who has never bowled remotely competatively in my entire life.  i fucked up the last frame (i got 8 down, then spared, then i got 8 i think on my very last throw).  my heart was pumping, i almost got a 300.  276 is pretty damn good though.

thanks for reading.  what is everyone elses best bowling score?
Title: ds-numbers bowled a 276
Post by: jocelyn on February 08, 2008, 12:34:33 am
Um, 100. I am a terrible bowler. I get zeros. Even though I do go every once and a while.

That is candlepin by the way. Even though candlepin sucks, I usually end up at the candlepin alley because I like their bar and it\'s close. 10 pin is about 25 mins away unfortunately.

That\'s incredible Dave, by the way.
Title: ds-numbers bowled a 276
Post by: Kaliguitar on February 08, 2008, 07:15:35 am
Video game bowling isn\'t real Dave!!

On kidding.....276 is sick!! Congratulations.  Do you throw a curve or a straight ball??

 Reminds me.....
 "Even a broken clock is right twice a day"
Title: ds-numbers bowled a 276
Post by: Jim Cobb on February 08, 2008, 08:02:55 am

If you will it, it is no dream.

edit:  speaking of things of this nature, check out the sick cardigan i just acquired.  i\'m sure most of you will recognize it...  hopefully i\'ll be able to bowl better now.

Title: ds-numbers bowled a 276
Post by: SlimPickens on February 08, 2008, 08:30:54 am
That\'s an amazing story!!

And Cobb, that sweater... check that, Cardigan is definitely worthy of a thread-jack.  HA!!  Looks like you stole it from the back of Wilford Brimley!!
Title: ds-numbers bowled a 276
Post by: derickw on February 08, 2008, 08:45:12 am
i bowl on Thursday nights with people from work. my best is 263 i could just imagine every bodies reaction around you.

Title: ds-numbers bowled a 276
Post by: tyzack on February 08, 2008, 09:27:35 am
I roll normal (big) balls once a month or so, and like to keep my score in the 110-120 range.

I signed up for a bowling league at work, only to find out it was candlepin. Fuck that.

First week:

Second week:
60, 76, 75

Third weeK:
101, 50, 76.

I don\'t really try any more, but I have found that you can put sooo much spin on those tiny balls it\'s crazy. I tried once yesterday to see how much back spin I could put on the ball to see if I could get it to stop, and I did.

I didn\'t get any points, but I thought that was a damn sick move.

Quote from: Jim Cobb;179127


Obivously you\'re not a golfer.
Title: ds-numbers bowled a 276
Post by: ds673488 on February 08, 2008, 11:00:24 am
Quote from: Kaliguitar;179126
Video game bowling isn\'t real Dave!!

On kidding.....276 is sick!! Congratulations.  Do you throw a curve or a straight ball??

 Reminds me.....
 "Even a broken clock is right twice a day"

well recently ive started throwing a curve ball and im getting the hang of it.  the problem is, i cant throw it with a curve unless i dont use the thumb hole, so i just use my middle and ring finger and whip the ball to the left as im releasing.  i was in such a groove that game, i literally couldnt miss, until i started thinking about it (in the 10th frame)...i really thought i could have gotten a 300.  a small crowd gathered nearby once i hit 7 strikes, and after the 8th one even the owner of the lanes was watching.

when i missed the strike on the last frame, his line to me was "thats what we call a class A choke"
my response was "yeah, it happens to even the best bowlers sometimes, like myself"
Title: ds-numbers bowled a 276
Post by: zuke583 on February 08, 2008, 12:05:45 pm
Quote from: tyzack;179142
I roll normal (big) balls once a month or so, and like to keep my score in the 110-120 range.

i prefer to roll face once a month...afterwards i don\'t remember too much but i always consider myself a winner
Title: ds-numbers bowled a 276
Post by: kartoon42 on February 08, 2008, 12:11:11 pm
def give you credit, bowling is hard ass shit. my highest score ever is like 100
Title: ds-numbers bowled a 276
Post by: Gordo on February 08, 2008, 02:21:05 pm
Good Lord Dave that\'s crazy.. I bowled a lot for a year when I was 19. I bought a finger-tip ball and had a huge hook. My high-game was 241, including a 235 and 231 in the series to make for my greatest day as a McCracken wannabe.

Nine strikes to start a game is absurd, I would\'ve been shitting my pants.

Cobb-- wear The Dude cardigan and you guys will tear down Irving Plaza.
Title: ds-numbers bowled a 276
Post by: sallyalli on February 08, 2008, 02:29:43 pm
I bowl an 85...if im lucky.

Cobb. sweet sweater.

Title: ds-numbers bowled a 276
Post by: Jim Cobb on February 08, 2008, 04:19:08 pm
Quote from: sallyalli;179186

Cobb. sweet sweater.


the dude abides.
Title: ds-numbers bowled a 276
Post by: Whathefunk on February 08, 2008, 05:07:20 pm
i go about once a week... i usually roll around 150\'s in the first couple strings then go down hill.  but recently dropped down from a 13lbs ball to a 12 and i can roll much more consistently.

i am the walrus.
Title: ds-numbers bowled a 276
Post by: antbach on February 08, 2008, 05:26:15 pm
I used to bowl in leagues and tournaments when I was 13-16, my league average was 145ish, tournament without my handicap 175ish. High game no where near 276 though, think it was 244 or something around there. I went a couple months ago twice and couldn\'t break 140, and for some reason my 16 pound ball felt really heavy. I basically completely forgot how to bowl in my 10 year layoff.