
Breakfast Babble => The Grand Scheme Of Things => Topic started by: leith on November 02, 2007, 10:19:46 pm

Title: Wow so The Breakfast\'s vocals are not all that?
Post by: leith on November 02, 2007, 10:19:46 pm
That is amazing news to me.
Wow! Really?
The amount of people on here that have noticed this lately is really making me think I need to listen closer when at a show or listening to a disc.

I just have to thank all of you for enlightening myself and any other clueless folk about this issue.
Title: Wow so The Breakfast\'s vocals are not all that?
Post by: Gordo on November 02, 2007, 10:46:47 pm
matter of opinion leith. seems to be a common one too. lucky you for not having this issue. seems things are perfect in TB nation for you, and i mean this seriously, i wish i did too.

bottom line is ive never been into tim\'s voice, but it\'s not that bad, their playing/song structures are just that good. if they jammed as well as TLG with their vocals i probably wouldnt see them too often.
Title: Wow so The Breakfast\'s vocals are not all that?
Post by: Overexjoesure on November 02, 2007, 11:19:35 pm
Fact of the matter, and it\'s a damn shame, people don\'t take The Breakfast seriously.  The Breakfast, as stated by myself and Seth, need to differiantiate, which is why I recommended they take on a shitload of incredible progressive rock/fusion covers. Why? Because NO one else does it and the music rocks beyond comparison. Would this make them a bona fide cover band?  Nope, in fact it would put them more in the spotlight because they would be covering more or less unknown material.  As Leith stated the band should cover a song because they want to play it, not because of it\'s obscurity. Now let\'s take a look at that.  Are the PLR (classic rock radio station for you non-CTers) song lists helping the band?  Nah, seems like nothing more than satiating the ears of the regulars at the venue\'s bar. Normal folk who wandered in for Red Bulls and Vodka and happened to hear a Police song and a lot of noise, which they didn\'t care for, or were too drunk to appreciate.  

 Let\'s face it (and of course I hope I\'m wrong and this is temporary) the band isn\'t releasing new material and the song cycle is becoming pretty derivative.  The band is progressive, which can be followed by rock, funk and fusion (Tim coined that description back in 00 I think).  Their background, while in good ol\' rock and roll, doesn\'t compare to where their souls are: epic, composititionally/improvisationally adventerous progressive music.  It\'s killing me that a band with so much RAW talent impedes their musical growth by playing it safe.  Lawn Boy was a start, now lets take it up a few notches...

Caveat Emptor
to those with the obligatory "take a hike Joe" "STFU" "fuck off" blah, blah childish insults, know that it\'s your complacency and apathy that is contributing to making the band feel safe in their bubble, thus keeping them from upping the ante and growing into the artists they TRULY are.  I want this band to succeed more than any other growing band in this country.  This band is my Red Sox and hopefully 2009 will be their 2004!!
Title: Wow so The Breakfast\'s vocals are not all that?
Post by: Gordo on November 02, 2007, 11:37:15 pm
I hear ya\' man, but how is this specifically related to their vocals? Are you saying they aren\'t taken seriously because of their vocals?
Title: Wow so The Breakfast\'s vocals are not all that?
Post by: Klout on November 02, 2007, 11:42:25 pm
joe they are making progress but one step at a time.

You can\'t force them to do anything so don\'t freak out over it.

Best way to pump them up and inspire them to do crazy shit and take risks and take it to the next level is just go out to as many shows as possible and rage out to the fullest.
Title: Wow so The Breakfast\'s vocals are not all that?
Post by: Todd on November 02, 2007, 11:52:45 pm
Wait. The vocals aren\'t stellar? What? Wait. Prog Rock is the shit? Wait. What? It\'s the key to the universe? Hmmm. Shit. Fuck. Wait. What? Britney? Where you at girl?
Title: Wow so The Breakfast\'s vocals are not all that?
Post by: Overexjoesure on November 02, 2007, 11:55:37 pm
Gordo: not much really, I just felt the need to vent. But yeah, the vocals, um yeah.... I love Adrian, he\'s the man, an incredible musician, truly, but he really needs to never sing.  Ron, still holding it down. Tim is either hit or miss, depending on how much he wants to Palmierize his accentuations. Matt, well he already said he\'d be getting singing lessons.

Klout:not freaking out, just stating what\'s been on my mind for awhile.  I hope it happens one step at a time, it just seems like they keep on taking a step forwards and then one back, and another, and another....
Title: Wow so The Breakfast\'s vocals are not all that?
Post by: Klout on November 03, 2007, 12:02:32 am
i just said it on a another thread, it\'s two step forward one step back for this band. thats life. but in the big picture it\'s just a long triumphant uphill climb to the top. in life and the breakfast
Title: Wow so The Breakfast\'s vocals are not all that?
Post by: Overexjoesure on November 03, 2007, 12:08:29 am
Hopefully my brother.
Title: Wow so The Breakfast\'s vocals are not all that?
Post by: Todd on November 03, 2007, 12:26:31 am
I wouldn\'t want them to leap to the top really quick. The decent is just as steep!
Title: Wow so The Breakfast\'s vocals are not all that?
Post by: Overexjoesure on November 03, 2007, 12:28:43 am
They should be working up to small theaters.  Leave those god awful piss bars behind for good.
Title: Wow so The Breakfast\'s vocals are not all that?
Post by: Me! on November 03, 2007, 01:30:42 am
leith, sarcasm doesn\'t come across to well on the interweb.
Title: Wow so The Breakfast\'s vocals are not all that?
Post by: Jim Cobb on November 03, 2007, 01:39:15 am
my cat\'s breath smells like cat food.
Title: Wow so The Breakfast\'s vocals are not all that?
Post by: leith on November 03, 2007, 02:49:03 am
Quote from: Me!;167235
leith, sarcasm doesn\'t come across to well on the interweb.

You would think I knew that.
Title: Wow so The Breakfast\'s vocals are not all that?
Post by: bdfreetuna on November 03, 2007, 09:59:49 am
Quote from: TreyChica;167225
I love Adrian, he\'s the man, an incredible musician, truly, but he really needs to never sing.

No, he just needs to sign selectively. Which is what he\'s doing. Adrian rules Drunk Monk Bar. It\'s not like they have him singing very often so I don\'t get the criticism, we all know he\'s got a strange voice but it serves a purpose.

As for the whole Prog-Rock thing... do you think the Freakout would have been as successful if they had decided to cover Porcupine Tree\'s "Up the Downstair" ?

Shiiiit, I think they should cover some RATM, but I don\'t claim it\'s their ticket to success :shrug:
Title: Wow so The Breakfast\'s vocals are not all that?
Post by: Overexjoesure on November 03, 2007, 10:11:53 am
Nope, but Yes "Close to the Edge" or King Crimson "Red" or "Larks Tounge In Aspic" would have gotten HUGE responses.  So far after scanning various boards the people who dug Lawn Boy are the same people who usually enjoy the Breakfast. Others (and this is a few) are saying they don\'t like/listen to The Breakfast, but they enjoyed the Lawn Boy set.  It\'s cool if they enjoy it, but will it put asses in the seats.
Title: Wow so The Breakfast\'s vocals are not all that?
Post by: Jim Cobb on November 03, 2007, 10:27:49 am
My cat\'s name is Mittens.
Title: Wow so The Breakfast\'s vocals are not all that?
Post by: bezerker on November 03, 2007, 10:32:04 am
i wish theyd cover close to the edge, would be epic as all hell
Title: Wow so The Breakfast\'s vocals are not all that?
Post by: bdfreetuna on November 03, 2007, 10:53:39 am
Quote from: TreyChica;167250
Nope, but Yes "Close to the Edge" or King Crimson "Red" or "Larks Tounge In Aspic" would have gotten HUGE responses.

Yes sucks, I would have probably not made the drive if I heard they were gonna do that.

The point of covers is to bring the crowd together, get people not familiar with the band to identify and click with the music if they haven\'t up until that point, as well as to show that they can shred the hell out of a tune everyone knows.

So many times I\'ve brough first timers to shows and see them totally getting down to Hot for Teacher or Sir Psycho Sexy or 2001 or Shakedown Street..etcetc... there is no way they are going to remember the Breakfast originals but they will remember the covers and how they kicked ass. And that will bring them out to the next show where they can begin to catch on to Breakfast\'s own stuff.

Playing King Crimson isn\'t going to do anything but satisfy the subset minority of people who enjoy this band out of the minority of people that have actually listened to this band.
Title: Wow so The Breakfast\'s vocals are not all that?
Post by: JSleeper240 on November 03, 2007, 11:02:25 am
garcian fishbowl.
Title: Wow so The Breakfast\'s vocals are not all that?
Post by: solver on November 03, 2007, 11:06:24 am
see, i think they do have the vocals, or at least the potential.
i\'m a fan of tim\'s voice, adrian does what he\'s called on for and his voice fits the mission [i love him in queeb], ron is terrific at harmonizing, and matt has a really excellent voice [when he\'s not so flashy, [lb]]
but i was listening to the lb cover where most of the tracks required 3 part harmony and it just didn\'t seem to come together. it seemed to be lacking discipline, although the talent seemed to be there.
just a humble thought
Title: Wow so The Breakfast\'s vocals are not all that?
Post by: Gordo on November 03, 2007, 11:08:06 am
Quote from: TreyChica;167250
Nope, but Yes "Close to the Edge" or King Crimson "Red" or "Larks Tounge In Aspic" would have gotten HUGE responses.  So far after scanning various boards the people who dug Lawn Boy are the same people who usually enjoy the Breakfast. Others (and this is a few) are saying they don\'t like/listen to The Breakfast, but they enjoyed the Lawn Boy set.  It\'s cool if they enjoy it, but will it put asses in the seats.

I disagree. HUGE response? Doubtful for a band way under the radar. Lawn Boy was arguably the best move right now. Once they start playing theaters they could cover Yes and Crimson and get proper recognition, but for now it would just silently pass by.

Above just covering certain shit, I still think their top priority should be building relationships with Umphrey\'s, Biscuits, TLG etc.  Start touring with their locations in mind, push for sit-ins with members of those bands (& vice-versa), open for them in their home towns, etc. This would bring the greatest exposure to a larger crowd imo. Fans would surely catch on when TB would set things on fire to open a night only for TLG or even the Biscuits to kind of extinguish it.
Title: Wow so The Breakfast\'s vocals are not all that?
Post by: Vassillios on November 03, 2007, 11:16:57 am
I think Ron should sing a lot more. And Tim had a good voice, he just needs to be disciplines.

Already stated, I know. Just reinstating.
Title: Wow so The Breakfast\'s vocals are not all that?
Post by: solver on November 03, 2007, 11:19:26 am
Quote from: Vassillios;167260
I think Ron should sing a lot more.
Title: Wow so The Breakfast\'s vocals are not all that?
Post by: Gordo on November 03, 2007, 11:27:18 am
Quote from: solver;167261
Quote from: Vassillios;167260
I think Ron should sing a lot more.


I completely disagree. His voice gets just the right amount of PT. If he sang a lot more it\'d become nails on a chalkboard.
Title: Wow so The Breakfast\'s vocals are not all that?
Post by: solver on November 03, 2007, 11:39:36 am
Quote from: Gordo;167262
Quote from: solver;167261
Quote from: Vassillios;167260
I think Ron should sing a lot more.

I completely disagree. His voice gets just the right amount of PT. If he sang a lot more it\'d become nails on a chalkboard.

really? i missed him in the recent son of simpleton.
and i\'m talking about backup/harmony, not solo.
i think he\'s got the right volume, def. not too loud at all. his voice is a key in any 3 part or 2 part for that matter. i would like to hear more of his harmony.
Title: Wow so The Breakfast\'s vocals are not all that?
Post by: crimsonknuckles on November 03, 2007, 12:03:18 pm
whoa. did i read this shit right?????? tim\'s voice is great, ron\'s voice is great, adrian is adrian and matt has a style you have to get used to. he reminds me of the drummer for fz on baby snakes. i think the different style of vocals on our favorites have been great. it\'s new, like the band. jordan had a great deep voice and we were all used to it. they play the same songs because i would imagine they are trying to gel with the newest member. haven\'t you noiticed longer jams. give me a fucking break.....................
Title: Wow so The Breakfast\'s vocals are not all that?
Post by: DocEllis70 on November 03, 2007, 12:16:17 pm
well ya cant argue their caliber of playing, so why not fuss about the vocals.?
Title: Wow so The Breakfast\'s vocals are not all that?
Post by: solver on November 03, 2007, 12:17:54 pm
Quote from: crimsonknuckles;167266
he reminds me of the drummer for fz on baby snakes.
terry bozzio? i can see that.
i can\'t stand the way he po-ou-ou-ouuts... *cause he might not be pouting for me.
punky meadows pouting for you? are you ser?
Title: Wow so The Breakfast\'s vocals are not all that?
Post by: SkyePrizm on November 03, 2007, 12:18:58 pm
Tim\'s voice is perfect the way it is.  It makes up the sound of the band more than people realize.  I\'d like to challenge the people who critique any of the band\'s singing abilities to get up and do what they do.
Title: Wow so The Breakfast\'s vocals are not all that?
Post by: Igziabeher on November 03, 2007, 01:13:04 pm
Nobody In This Discussion Knows Anything About Anything.

except maybe john aruny.
Title: Wow so The Breakfast\'s vocals are not all that?
Post by: Todd on November 03, 2007, 02:04:10 pm
I know something about nothing...
Title: Wow so The Breakfast\'s vocals are not all that?
Post by: JSleeper240 on November 03, 2007, 02:32:30 pm
hula hooping contest for best vocals on the board
Title: Wow so The Breakfast\'s vocals are not all that?
Post by: Gordo on November 03, 2007, 03:14:04 pm
Quote from: solver;167263
Quote from: Gordo;167262
Quote from: solver;167261
Quote from: Vassillios;167260
I think Ron should sing a lot more.


I completely disagree. His voice gets just the right amount of PT. If he sang a lot more it\'d become nails on a chalkboard.

really? i missed him in the recent son of simpleton.
and i\'m talking about backup/harmony, not solo.
i think he\'s got the right volume, def. not too loud at all. his voice is a key in any 3 part or 2 part for that matter. i would like to hear more of his harmony.

i didnt know you were talking about harmonies.. in that case, yes i agree. as far as lead vocals, no. he should keep those at a minimum.
Title: Wow so The Breakfast\'s vocals are not all that?
Post by: FreeSpirit on November 03, 2007, 03:26:38 pm
Quote from: Jim Cobb;167238
my cat\'s breath smells like cat food.

Title: Wow so The Breakfast\'s vocals are not all that?
Post by: skalnbyc on November 03, 2007, 04:12:26 pm
I love Adrian\'s haunting shrieks!
Title: Wow so The Breakfast\'s vocals are not all that?
Post by: peaches626 on November 03, 2007, 04:17:10 pm
Adrians vocals have much improved from the first couple trio shows.... keep up the good work, guy!

And, like my class voice teacher said, not everyone was born with pavarotti\'s voice, but EVERYONE can learn HOW to sing.  It just takes practice, like learning any other instrument.
Title: Wow so The Breakfast\'s vocals are not all that?
Post by: Lexington on November 03, 2007, 06:38:40 pm
Quote from: FreeSpirit;167309
Quote from: Jim Cobb;167238
my cat\'s breath smells like cat food.


my farts smell like thanksgiving. i swear
Title: Wow so The Breakfast\'s vocals are not all that?
Post by: boombox on November 03, 2007, 07:25:36 pm
Just to add my 2 euros, I do still miss Jordan\'s vocals on certain songs, but Tim, Ron and Adrian really stepped up to the plate while they were a trio. Tim\'s vocals have certainly improved, no doubt in part , due to the Timmy Tour and Ron is much more consistent. Adrian has probably made the greatest progress - how any drummer can even try to sing is still a mystery to me, so full marks to him. As has been said earlier in this thread, Matt\'s voice is something to get used to. Sometimes he gets it, some times he doesn\'t, but at least he\'s having a go and getting lessons too.

Vocals on the LB show were not wonderful at times, but you can\'t hit it every night. I think the harmonies have developed nicely, especially with a fourth voice on board and they can only get even better.  as for that show, also cut teh guys some slack, they were playing a Phish album in front of Phish\'s hometown crowd - takes balls of steel to do that, especially with Mike G there too.

In general, some of the worst vocals I\'ve heard in the past few months have been on the covers, especially the Van Halen songs, which I don\'t like anyway - I still ask myself what they were thinking when they planned the FF9 encores - Hot For Teacher was awful to my ears. I know covers often give Tim a break, but I think other cover avenues should be explored, which perhaps suit Ron and Matt\'s voices better, though I can\'t for the life of me think of any suggestions right now.
Title: Wow so The Breakfast\'s vocals are not all that?
Post by: FreeSpirit on November 03, 2007, 07:31:12 pm
Quote from: boombox;167341
I know covers often give Tim a break, but I think other cover avenues should be explored, which perhaps suit Ron and Matt\'s voices better, though I can\'t for the life of me think of any suggestions right now.

:awwyeah: Bring back Question!!!
Title: Wow so The Breakfast\'s vocals are not all that?
Post by: ds673488 on November 03, 2007, 08:19:35 pm
a few, boombox, i didnt know matt was getting lessons, where did you hear that? has anyone else heard about this?  he really really needs them...every time he sings im holding my breath and hoping off notes dont come out (which they usually do).

As for suggestions for songs to play that would suit their voices, im not sure why they have never covered any Beck songs, or why people dont suggest that they cover them.  Tim could do Beck\'s voice really well i think.

I also agree with the van halen comments.  van halen sucks and their songs are completely opposite of the breakfast\'s style.  i have no idea who in the band likes to play these songs but at the FF9 when they played hot for teacher i almost immediately got in a less good mood.  

i think ron has a great accompanying voice to tim, and adrian isnt half bad either, especially as a harmony guy.  matt is the only one that i really dont like vocally, but hopefully he\'ll work on it.
Title: Wow so The Breakfast\'s vocals are not all that?
Post by: leith on November 03, 2007, 08:51:44 pm
Anyone that is basing Matt\'s voice on his take on Lawn Boy really needs to take a step back.
Matt was obviously overemphasizing the vocal meter during this song. You have to remember Matt had never heard of Phish and what he has heard of the band other than music is probably that they were a bunch of hams on stage alot of times. He probably ran with that.

That being said I cannot believe this thread has gotten this long. I mean really these guys have never been the best vocalists and that is pretty much the only thing anyone has ever been able to say negative about the band themselves with any type of credence for the past nine years. I think if they have made it this far w/o being amazing vocalists they\'ll be fine for the next nine.

If that\'s all one can bag on this band about I think that is freakin\' awesome. Hell there are PLENTY of bands in this genre that are as bad/good as The Breakfast vocally and some are doing pretty damn well from what I gather.
Title: Wow so The Breakfast\'s vocals are not all that?
Post by: Drew_Kingsley on November 03, 2007, 09:14:04 pm
Quote from: ds673488;167343
I also agree with the van halen comments.  van halen sucks and their songs are completely opposite of the breakfast\'s style.  i have no idea who in the band likes to play these songs but at the FF9 when they played hot for teacher i almost immediately got in a less good mood.

Tim\'s a big Eddie Van Halen fan for obvious reasons. I would imagine, just given their ages, that the rest of the band dug VH in their glory days as well.
Title: Wow so The Breakfast\'s vocals are not all that?
Post by: JSleeper240 on November 03, 2007, 09:26:38 pm
Quote from: Lexington;167331
my farts smell like thanksgiving. i swear[/QUOTE

mmmmmmm, makes me wanna take a nap over gramma\'s.
Title: Wow so The Breakfast\'s vocals are not all that?
Post by: boombox on November 03, 2007, 09:38:51 pm
Quote from: ds673488;167343
a few, boombox, i didnt know matt was getting lessons, where did you hear that? .

I thought I read that elsewhere on the board - maybe I misread something. If this isn\'t the case, my bad.  Clarification, anyone?

leith, I, for one am not basing comments on Matt due to the LB show. To my ears, he is the weakest vocalist of the four - or perhaps he has not been given the right songs. I know Tim is a monster EVH fan, but he has many other heroes and influences - so it\'s time for something new.

Also such discussions are indeed pertinent - if we, as the hardcore followers, are questioning their vocals at times (and I stress, at times - not all the time), you can bet others with only a passing interest will be less forgiving. It\'s not enough to suggest other bands got away with sometimes dodgy vocals - they were different times and many younger people have been brought up on computer-aided pitch perfect vocals. The old school deadheads will be able to forgive lapses in vocal prowess, but new potential audiences might not. Correct cover choices are important so that while they are fun covers everyone in the audience knows, these people will credit the band with being able to pull them off in all departments.

And Free Spirit, I am definitely right with you on bringing back Question or Legend Of A Mind, though they are both Tim songs, I believe. Another possible candidate for Matt might also be Karn Evil - not had that one in a lonnnngggg time!
Title: Wow so The Breakfast\'s vocals are not all that?
Post by: leith on November 03, 2007, 09:41:11 pm
Quote from: Drew_Kingsley;167349
Quote from: ds673488;167343
I also agree with the van halen comments.  van halen sucks and their songs are completely opposite of the breakfast\'s style.  i have no idea who in the band likes to play these songs but at the FF9 when they played hot for teacher i almost immediately got in a less good mood.

Tim\'s a big Eddie Van Halen fan for obvious reasons. I would imagine, just given their ages, that the rest of the band dug VH in their glory days as well.

Well it all depends on what you consider VH\'s glory days. Given the era of VH they play songs from I would think the guys found VH a bit after what many consider their glory days.
Title: Wow so The Breakfast\'s vocals are not all that?
Post by: skalnbyc on November 03, 2007, 10:46:01 pm
Quote from: boombox;167351
Quote from: ds673488;167343
a few, boombox, i didnt know matt was getting lessons, where did you hear that? .

I thought I read that elsewhere on the board - maybe I misread something. If this isn\'t the case, my bad.  Clarification, anyone?

Matt mentioned vocal lessons in his interview with the Breakfast Digest.
Title: Wow so The Breakfast\'s vocals are not all that?
Post by: FreeSpirit on November 03, 2007, 11:13:23 pm
Maybe it\'s just me, but I have no problem with Matt\'s vocals... I\'ve heard him sing "Whipping Post" at a Blah Blah show & he did an incredible job.  I think it must be hard to harmonize with the Breakfast vocals.  With time, I\'m sure they\'ll all be much better than they are right now.
Title: Wow so The Breakfast\'s vocals are not all that?
Post by: Lexington on November 04, 2007, 01:34:19 am
anyone who goes to a bfast show to hear vocals should check their pulse.
Title: Wow so The Breakfast\'s vocals are not all that?
Post by: skalnbyc on November 04, 2007, 01:40:52 am
Quote from: FreeSpirit;167354
Maybe it\'s just me, but I have no problem with Matt\'s vocals... I\'ve heard him sing "Whipping Post" at a Blah Blah show & he did an incredible job.  I think it must be hard to harmonize with the Breakfast vocals.  With time, I\'m sure they\'ll all be much better than they are right now.

I just re-listened to Matt\'s feature on Lawnboy; definitely has potential, but clearly an awkward song for him (aside from the cute howls at the end).  He also sounds grating on Bouncing Around the Room.

I like the reverberation of Adrian\'s voice at the end of Antelope.
Title: Wow so The Breakfast\'s vocals are not all that?
Post by: Klout on November 04, 2007, 01:09:53 am
just let this lame ass thread die....

Title: Wow so The Breakfast\'s vocals are not all that?
Post by: skalnbyc on November 04, 2007, 01:13:46 am
Quote from: Klout;167367
just let this lame ass thread die....


More reviews and analysis to come.......:biggrin:
Title: Wow so The Breakfast\'s vocals are not all that?
Post by: Klout on November 04, 2007, 01:18:37 am
Quote from: alexanderzurflu;167368
Quote from: Klout;167367
just let this lame ass thread die....


More reviews and analysis to come.......:biggrin:

I agree then..cranking the reverb up to maximum before adrian is about to sing is a great idea.
Title: Wow so The Breakfast\'s vocals are not all that?
Post by: Buquebus on November 04, 2007, 12:36:58 pm
someone mentioned beck covers-  I think they should bring back "Pay No Mind" \\\\m//
Title: Wow so The Breakfast\'s vocals are not all that?
Post by: Gfunk on November 04, 2007, 01:04:46 pm
i know this is not the covers thread but....
Agreed^ Beck is a ser choice for covers and nobody else really does that as far as i know.
I also agree w/ Boombox/Robin about Question, & Legend of a Mind.
I\'m pulling for a Sir Psycho Sexy at my next show whenever that may be.
Title: Wow so The Breakfast\'s vocals are not all that?
Post by: Gordo on November 04, 2007, 01:32:57 pm
Quote from: leith;167203
That is amazing news to me.
Wow! Really?
The amount of people on here that have noticed this lately is really making me think I need to listen closer when at a show or listening to a disc.

I just have to thank all of you for enlightening myself and any other clueless folk about this issue.

I just realized I took your sarcasm in the wrong fashion.. or at least I\'m pretty sure I did. Stoooopid me.
Title: Wow so The Breakfast\'s vocals are not all that?
Post by: ds673488 on November 04, 2007, 02:33:00 pm
Quote from: Buquebus;167394
someone mentioned beck covers-  I think they should bring back "Pay No Mind" \\\\m//

\'twas me, and i agree
Title: Wow so The Breakfast\'s vocals are not all that?
Post by: mudd on November 08, 2007, 05:37:08 pm
covers = snoozefest =P
Title: Wow so The Breakfast\'s vocals are not all that?
Post by: bdfreetuna on November 08, 2007, 07:05:58 pm
Quote from: Gfunk;167402
I\'m pulling for a Sir Psycho Sexy at my next show whenever that may be.

Title: Wow so The Breakfast\'s vocals are not all that?
Post by: Me! on November 09, 2007, 01:09:41 am
Quote from: bdfreetuna;168043
Quote from: Gfunk;167402
I\'m pulling for a Sir Psycho Sexy at my next show whenever that may be.


honestly I\'d prefer One Big Mob, but either would be killer.
Title: Wow so The Breakfast\'s vocals are not all that?
Post by: psychjosh on November 10, 2007, 06:30:35 pm
Quote from: Lexington;167363
anyone who goes to a bfast show to hear vocals should check their pulse.

well said!
everyone can sing in tune.. that\'s an improvement over the old days. The problem is they all have non traditional singing voices which means vocally they need to write for themselves... kind of like rhcp or the stones or... bands like that.

TB aint a bunch of crooners.. we know that.