General Discussions => Spunk => Topic started by: bellbottomtear on August 15, 2007, 01:19:40 am
სამეფო: ცხოველები
ტიპი: ქორდიანები
კლასი: ძუძუმწოვრები
რიგი: წყვილჩლიქიანები
ოჯახი: აქლემისებრნი
გვარი: ლამები
Lama glama (ლამა)
Lama pacos (ალპაკა)
Lama huonaeus (გუანაკო)
im drunk too.
i love llamas
Have you ever had the fortunate experiance of being spit on by a LLama?
I did.
LLamas are fuzzier and Camels have humps:)
:wah: get a room
taboot taboot?
Sunrise over the turquoise mountain jimmy!
this thread has terrorism typed all in it.
Uhh.... I never thought Id run into this!
Brady Bunch and....LLama! YES!.....Who does this?Where do these things come from?
I am is Fitzy:bounce2:
this thread has terrorism typed all in it.
you caught us. we\'ve been hanginmg around osama bin llama a little too much
This is RIDICULAS..LLamas just make me happy:) (but not Osama Bin LLamas:mad:)
doesnt everyone look at a LLama and smile?They are cute.(not Osama Bin LLamas)
my advise is when you get stressed think of LLamas but NOT...Osama Bin LLAMA
OH! its Jess - not Fitzy or Osama bin LLAMa
(this is the strangest thread ever,I know)
:wah: get a room
I am is Fitzy:bounce2:
:slowly backs out of thread: