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The Official Breakfast 2010 Fantasy Football League

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Preseason football officially starts tonight with the Cowboys vs. the Bengals. Regular season is just around the corner. Who\'s down for some fantasy? Let me know and I\'ll set up one on Yahoo.

Every year, I say that I\'m going to cut down and how many fantasy leagues I\'m in, and every year I fail. I\'m sure if the league gets set up, I\'ll join eventually.

Also, I just set up a Survival League if anybody wants to join. No $$$, just humiliation when we\'re all done by Week 5.

Group ID: 5937
Password: football

Tell your friends. Bring your wife.

2010 season starts THIS THURSDAY.

Any interest in some Fantasy Fútbol?

I\'ll set up one.

id be down

must have missed this. I\'d be down.


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