
General Discussions => Inner Glimpse => Topic started by: Mamalakabubadaya on December 27, 2005, 02:57:44 pm

Title: King Kong
Post by: Mamalakabubadaya on December 27, 2005, 02:57:44 pm
i ended up going to the movie on xmas and have to say it was definitely worth seeing. went into it thinking that it was going to suck, but it turned out to be extremely thrilling/intense. the special effects kicked ass. watching fights between dinosaurs and a giant gorilla made my christmas a special one. on the hotness factor, naomi watts is a babe. some hot men too; adrian brody, whoever played the captain and whoever that guy jimmy was. jack black played an asshole/scumbag. the film really doesn\'t feel like it\'s three hours long at all. anyway, check it out if you get the chance..definitely not a waste of money.
Title: King Kong
Post by: FrankZappa on December 27, 2005, 03:51:33 pm
Quote from: Mamalakabubadaya
some hot men too; adrian.


If zappa aint on the soundtrack I\'m gonna be pretty upset. (not holding my breath)
Title: King Kong
Post by: Spacey on December 27, 2005, 04:38:41 pm
I heard mixed reviews about this movie. More good then bad. I however hardly ever go to the theater these days and I hardly rent films. I unfortunately will probably die before I see this movie.
Title: King Kong
Post by: Giavanna on December 28, 2005, 02:23:02 am
I have to agree that I was pleasantly surprised by this one. I thought it was bound to be terrible but I ended up enjoying it. I thought the beginning and the end held my attention the best. The whole middle part on the island could have been a lot shorter and there were some scenes that were so unbelievable I couldn\'t help but laugh. Worth seeing on the big screen though (and I\'m not an avid movie go-er).
Title: King Kong
Post by: jocelyn on December 28, 2005, 10:56:00 am
I thought this was going to be a Zappa-related thread.

Speaking of which, have any of you (Paul) heard the album King Kong, which is Jean-Luc Ponty playing Zappa tunes? (All instrumental obviously.) Interesting listen. I like the version of Idiot Bastard Son that they do.
Title: King Kong
Post by: Wolfman on December 28, 2005, 01:19:37 pm
Screw the movie, The Breakfast need to play King Kong again.
Title: King Kong
Post by: FrankZappa on December 28, 2005, 03:48:40 pm
yes and yes to both joc and wolf. I\'ve owned the jean-luc album for quite some time. Idiot is good, but my fav is low-budget orchestra and of course, king kong. It\'s a great album.

also, great to see joc is out of lurk mode and posting again. Hope you had good holidays.
Title: King Kong
Post by: RadicalRich1138 on December 28, 2005, 06:57:17 pm
why would anyone go into this thinking it would be bad?  his last 3 films were nomiated for best pic and best director...
Title: King Kong
Post by: Spacey on December 28, 2005, 07:02:05 pm
at some point in life, we all fail
Title: King Kong
Post by: leith on December 28, 2005, 09:11:38 pm
This movie is an homage by Peter Jackson to one of if not his favorite movies.
The definitive version of King Kong w/ Fay Wray from 1933.
He made the LOTR movies to perfect movie techniques and make the $$ for this movie. No one wanted to back his version of King Kong before he made LOTR.
I don\'t see it being bad in any way.

Well other than being YET another fucking remake from Hollywood which I believe has officially run out of ideas.
Title: King Kong
Post by: skalnbyc on December 28, 2005, 10:08:37 pm
Quote from: leith

Well other than being YET another fucking remake from Hollywood which I believe has officially run out of ideas.

Speak to Lauren about screenplays when you meet her on Fri.  She\'s already got 6 completed and one is in the hands of a creative executive at the studio that made Titanic (among others).

At least Hollywood hasn\'t taken the reality tv concept to the big screen yet.

I have a feeling I\'ll be seeing King Kong.  Not necessarily because I\'m attracted to the story, more because Peter Jackson has served us well with the Rings trilogy.
Title: King Kong
Post by: leith on December 28, 2005, 10:15:15 pm
Yeah that\'s why I am going to see it. Peter Jackson\'s genius making gorgeous movies.
Title: King Kong
Post by: calia on December 30, 2005, 02:28:13 am
i actually went to the movie theatre on christmas as well. me and a couple of friends we to see Wolf Creek. It was an ok movie, but the remake of The Hills Have Eyes looks killer.
Title: King Kong
Post by: jocelyn on December 30, 2005, 12:17:08 pm
Paul, I\'m not really out of lurk mode. I\'m not even lurking actually. I have no internet access right now, or home phone, or cable... and thus am rarely online. I am starting school (over again, new major) in January and will probably get online then. Until that time, I shall be MIA for the most part. Thanks for noticing though, I kinda figured nobody would notice since my posts have become so... tame.
Title: King Kong
Post by: calia on January 01, 2006, 09:49:19 pm
so i saw King Kong today. i thought it was well done, but like alot of big budget movies today, they seemed to go nuts with the CGI (seemed liked they filled in alot of space with new special effects monsters) the movie would have been equally as good without them. cheers to the effects designer for the backrounds.
Title: King Kong
Post by: oldnewbie on January 01, 2006, 10:40:33 pm
Quote from: jocelyn
. Thanks for noticing though, I kinda figured nobody would notice since my posts have become so... tame.

are you hasn\'t been quite the same  ;)
Title: King Kong
Post by: skalnbyc on January 01, 2006, 10:56:23 pm
I think I\'m going to see it tomorrow.
Title: King Kong
Post by: Klout on January 04, 2006, 04:29:19 pm

It was good but nothing like the critics made it out to be.

waaaaay too many long stares and cornyness. I suppose that was the style they were going for but it was SO over done it got really annoying by the end.

I do like that girly in  it  though. she is a very good actress I would like to see her in more films.