Breakfast Babble > The Grand Scheme Of Things

The Acoustic 3.o!!!


Check this out:

“We’re excited to finally announce that the Torres family has purchased The Acoustic here in Bridgeport and will be reopening the venue later in 2021. Over the last 20 years, the Acoustic birthed, grew and nurtured a thriving music scene here in Black Rock, and we intend to carry that torch well in to the future. In addition, we will be bringing nearly 30 years of experience in the food and beverage world along with us, creating a destination in the heart of Black Rock. Renovations have already begun and we are excited to celebrate with you soon!”

This is great news! Somehow over the years, I never made it to the acoustic, but always heard positive things...Torres family, like, we talking Teddy Torres??

I am not sure if it is that Torres family? But it is indeed good news! I look forward to hanging out in the space again in the future!


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