Breakfast Babble > The Grand Scheme Of Things

Your Show Count

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I realize this will be a more difficult task for some, but how many PB/Breakfast/Diesel Experiment shows have you been to?

I\'ve been to 19 PB/Breakfast shows*^ and 10 Diesel Experiments**

* 09/21/2003 is listed as a PB show on the official site despite only Tim and Adrian being present, so that\'s where it goes here.  Also, the Frodo\'s Finger 01/19/2003 gig counts as PB.

** I guess Tim solo acoustic counts as a Diesel Experiment.  If not I\'ve been to 3 DXs and 7 Timmy solo gigs.

Onto Maryland and lucky number 20.  Happy counting, especially to all of the Butterfield-era alumni.

98 shows

gimme some tommorow,ill have a good estimate.i know were talkin 375 easy.loser!

too many to count.. not as many as freddie though..

I have been keeping a list of all the shows after 2001. I\'m trying to remember what shows I say before then.


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