
General Discussions => No Glove No Love => Topic started by: RobdogUk on June 21, 2005, 07:23:06 am

Title: F1 farce
Post by: RobdogUk on June 21, 2005, 07:23:06 am
Anybody see the absolute screw up that was the US Grand Prix on sunday?
The last country you want it to happen in and shit hits the fan.
Any other country and they might have survived it but I think they\'ll be hard pushed to recover from this if at all.
Everyone blaming everyone else and it\'s the fans that get screwed.
I love formula one when it\'s on form and the races so far this year have been thrilling but what happened sunday just shows how the too much politics can ruin a sport.

Anybody see it? Anybody care
Title: F1 farce
Post by: Stephengencs on June 21, 2005, 07:24:29 am
Quote from: RobUK

Anybody see it? Anybody care

no and not really....

what happened anyway????
Title: F1 farce
Post by: Todd on June 21, 2005, 07:28:32 am
Quote from: Stephengencs
Quote from: RobUK

Anybody see it? Anybody care

no and not really....

what happened anyway????
Title: F1 farce
Post by: davepeck on June 21, 2005, 07:33:27 am
Only six of the 20 cars took part, to the fury of 120,000 racegoers and a few million American TV viewers, after concerns about the safety of tyres supplied by Michelin escalated into a dispute between teams and motor sport\'s governing body. Seven of the 10 teams abandoned the race before it started.
Title: F1 farce
Post by: obsession600 on June 21, 2005, 08:00:20 pm
Quote from: indianexpress

• Loss of pressure in Michelin tyres blamed for the crash that Ralf Schumacher and his Toyota teammate Ricardo Zonta suffered.

• Michelin orders new tyres to be flown in from France, while they analysed the old ones.

• This triggers an immediate controversy as, according to rules, the teams are obliged to use the same tyres for qualifying and the race.

• FIA rejects the Michelin proposals of using new tyres.

• Michelin advise its teams not to race if the new tyres could not be used.

• Only the teams using Bridgestone tyres — Ferrari, Minardi and Jordan — line up for the race.