Breakfast Babble > Question Mark And The Mind

Which breakfast lineup is the best?

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I think the best breakfast line up would be something like this;
3 ras/black berry pancakes (the real things made with flour, milk, eggs, etc, none of that bisquick bs)
2 slices of scrapple
1 egg, sunny side up.
Warmed, on the side, real mable syrup. I don\'t care where it\'s from, as long as it isn\'t fake.
Coffee - black.
A Bach paino concerto.

...oh, you mean the band, I think the best line up is the one that is currently playing. That has been, and always will be my answer. The band rocks. Period.

Oh, you know what, maybe one of those champaign and orange juice know, a little something to take the edge off waking up.

i had the most fun at shows while they were a trio. i still haven\'t witnessed matt\'s key mashing but it sounds good on disc. jordan is n-n-n-n-nasty though he tended to drift into space at times which can be good and bad. i really loved how as a trio they focused on the rock. that\'s how it should be imo


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